Reverse image search on Google

How to search for results on images

With the reverse image search on Google you can find out about images or objects near you. For example, you have the option to take a photo and use it to search for information or similar images. But also the reverse search of images from the web are no problem with the image search of Google. We’ll show you what options are available and how you can use them.

How reverse image search affects users

We all like to embellish our social media posts with appropriate images of sadness, joy or anger. To find the right image for our contribution, we need to think carefully about what we want to say and rely on our judgment. Reverse image search gives us another great way to tell stories and express ourselves with images. It doesn’t matter if you’re browsing privately, a journalist, or part of a marketing team: it’s vital to garnish your work with appealing images and know all about the source and usage rights. Good content can only be created if the perfect images are available and there are no legal hurdles in the way. The vast sums that companies have to spend annually on legal bills and similar costs can be avoided with just a few simple steps.

Tools for research

A reverse image search essentially means using special tools to get the exact information about the original source. Either way, when you’re creating content, you quickly develop the right sense of how to choose content, it’s just that sometimes the legal situation just isn’t very clear and you’re looking for a way to use only that image content for which there are no legal consequences. While there are many sites that use illegal content, the legal factors mentioned earlier are not a risk you should take unnecessarily. In addition, there is the possibility that content is incorrectly assigned during the search: An image is thus assigned to someone who has actually only “stolen” it. To avoid this, the reverse Google Image Search is particularly worthwhile. This makes it possible to give the original creator of an image, the respect he deserves.

Google Image Search for “Detectives

Maybe you are a proud creator of image content and have the urgent suspicion that someone is simply helping themselves to your work: with a reverse Google Image Search, the culprit can be quickly convicted and brought to justice. If someone uses your pictures in an illegal way, you can write a warning or settle the issue in a personal conversation. If all else fails, you can also officially order the content to be removed. By the way, finding the “offenders” is an excellent way to increase your ranking in Google Image Search: You will quickly get free backlinks through this method, which will help you with search engine optimization. Furthermore, the phenomenon of fake social media profiles has become very easy to contain through reverse Google Image Search. When you’re on Facebook or Instagram, you’re bound to run into copycats, scammers, and imposters who take credit for the prestige of well-known people and companies. This fact does not matter, because such accounts can cause exorbitant damage and derail entire projects.

Learn more with reverse Google Image Search

It’s a good idea to quickly identify and weed out fake profiles: Carelessness on this issue can lead to you getting into hot water and your business suffering massive losses. Because social media have turned the entire business world upside down, you can’t afford to be careless and you can’t be thorough enough. If you are out and about in private and you make an attractive acquaintance, the reverse Google Image Search can do you another great service: If you are suspicious of a new acquaintance, you can quickly find out whether the person you are meeting is real or just using a stolen photo to mislead you. Furthermore, the reverse Google Image Search is great for complementing the traditional Google Image Search. Imagine you find a picture of a wonderful restaurant district that you really want to visit. However, because the exact geographic location was not specified, you’ll be looking down the tube. Through the reverse Google Image Search, all the information like the location as well as all the related websites as well as content can be found out and viewed.

Google Image Search and your purchase

Many online retailers offer flawless products, but skimp on text and detailed descriptions. Reverse Google Image Search makes shopping much easier and gets you info you wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise. Since no one really wants to buy a pig in a poke, you can use the reverse Google Image Search to get to the product manufacturer’s site and get all the important information. Another handy use is to find out more about famous people: Because many hide behind pseudonyms and stage names, you can get around this by using reverse Google Image Search to get to older sources and archives that will give you all the info you ask for.

Legal details

Many users are not aware of how many possibilities reverse Google Image Search offers and how much you can do with it. The normal Google Image Search can quickly degenerate into a waste of time if it takes too long, and you have to dig a little deeper into your bag of tricks to get appealing results quickly. But what are the basics of image usage rights? If you don’t want to get your fingers burned legally, you need to know the basis of all rights regarding online content: All creative content belongs first and foremost to its creator. Each content creator is free to sell or rent the content rights to third parties, which makes them the rights holder. Many of you who have been online for a while will be familiar with the CC license: The Creative Commons license allows all content creators to license their content and not be subject to copyright. To use an image legally, it’s worth looking for the original source and finding out if the image can be used under a certain CC license. If you notice that this is not possible, you should talk to the creator personally and arrange everything else with him.

The reverse search in practice

Now let’s slowly turn to the heart of this article: namely, tactical ways to apply reverse Google Image Search. But before that, let’s take a look at what the Google alternatives have to offer: Bing offers similar methods as Google, and the corresponding function at Yahoo Images is becoming more efficient from time to time. Those who use Pinterest can make use of the Visual Search tool, which has very strong algorithms and can recognize objects within image content. The competition does not sleep, however, Google remains in pole position in the field of reverse image search.

Reverse image search on Google - 5 ways to reach your goal

In this article, we’ll show you five ways to find images using reverse search with Google Images. Normally, you search for an image on Google using a keyword. But sometimes you have a picture and you want to find out where it came from. For this case you can use Google Images reverse search. You have five options here, and we’ll go through each one in turn.

Possibility # 1

First, let’s look at the image search by dragging in. First open the Google Images search. Next, drag the image with your mouse into the Google search box. Google now starts the search automatically. In the next step, a new page will now open displaying possible matches. In addition, Google will give you a guess as to which image it is.

Reverse image search on Google by uploading

Image search by uploading works similarly. First, open Google Image Search again and click on the small camera icon. Next, select Upload Image and choose the image from your computer. The file will be uploaded and a new page will open showing possible matches.

Possibility #3 and #4 to apply reverse image search on Google

Another option is to search for an image using an image URL. To start a search in this way, first right-click on the image of a web page and select Copy Image Address. In Google Images, click the camera icon again and open the Insert Image URL tab. Now click on the magnifying glass and possible matches to your image will be displayed. You can also use Google Image Search on your smartphone. However, you need to have downloaded Google Chrome for this. Once this is done, first open the web page with the image you want to search for. Press a little longer on the image to get a selection of different options and select Search with Google Lens, and Google will start searching for you.

Reverse image search on Google with smartphone

Google Image Search on the smartphone also works with an uploaded image. To do this, you need to have Google Chrome installed as an app on your smartphone again. First, open Google Image Search and right-click on the camera. When you use Image Search for the first time, a window opens where you tap Open Camera. Google then wants access to your camera. In the camera function, tap on the picture icon at the bottom left to access your photos. Again, Google wants access. Then select the image and the search will start. That wasn’t so hard after all. We hope we could help you with this article. If you have any questions or want to improve your Google ranking, eBakery can help you with Google Ads support and organic growth on Google. Make an appointment directly.

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