Shopware Freelancer vs. Shopware Agency

Which is more suitable for whom?

Shopware Freelancer vs Shopware Agency – that’s what this video says. We take a closer look at the advantages of a freelancer and compare them with the advantages of a Shopware agency. Where are the dangers, what should be considered in advance and which option is best for whom? We answer that in this screencast.

Shopware Freelancer vs. Shopware Agency - These factors are crucial

Today we simply want to apply our already known question to the Shopware store system. In our playlist, we have gone through the basic functions of both the 5 system and the new 6 version in more than 50 videos. But what if it goes beyond the basic functions? Should you continue to work yourself in? Bringing a freelancer on board or hiring an agency after all? It can be said straight away that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It strongly depends on the following factors:

  • The number of areas in which you need help
  • The complexity of the problems
  • The size of your company
  • Your budget and
  • Your know-how and the capacities

The Shopware Support

For example, if you have If you have a solid background in one area, through training or study, you can of course build on this and solve your problem yourself with the help of Shopware’s own support. Where we now want to go into a little more detail. Shopware offers you in-house support in three different plans – Silver, Gold and Diamond support. As with JTL, these differ first and foremost in the guaranteed response time. So maximum 3 days for the cheapest plan, under 24 hours for Gold Support and under 2 hours for the so-called Diamond Support. You see here too, silver and gold are available for the Professional plan and for really important, large projects, Diamond support is available for the Enterprise plan. You can see the prices here at the end.

For whom is Shopware Support not accessible?

Important are the notes below. It is not possible to purchase a support plan with the free Community Edition. The support plans are not automatically included, but the Professional and Enterprise Plan entitle you to book a support plan additionally. What is also not to be neglected is that Shopware Cloud merchants also cannot benefit from the Extra Support plans. To apply this to our factors, let’s bring back the graph. Whether the support is sufficient as a tool depends mainly on the number of areas, the complexity and the effort. If your store is already completely set up and you have problems only in one area and not simultaneously in 3 areas and your know-how is sufficient to follow the instructions of the support and implement them, then this would be your option. The advantage is certainly the price and the competence, because who should know better about the system than the manufacturer himself.

Shopware Freelancer vs. Shopware Agency - The Advantages of a Freelancer

But when does a freelancer come into play and where are the advantages here?
A Shopware freelancer makes sense when the requirements in an area become too complex and, above all, too time-consuming. Most of the time, this person is an expert in his field. But not all Shopware freelancers are the same. First and foremost, you will probably expect a developer here who will install plugins for you, possibly customize them via code, create worlds of experience, and give you expert advice when a problem arises as to how this could be solved. Unfortunately, however, the first problematic or limiting points arise here under certain circumstances. If you have a clear roadmap of what you want to do and how you want to do it, and you only use the freelancer as an implementing specialist, then there is absolutely nothing to be said against it. Here, too, you will probably benefit from a lower price, unbureaucratic implementation and time management, and you can rely more on the freelancer being able to implement spontaneous activities directly. But what we can say from practical experience is that, especially with store systems, the requirements must be divided into at least two areas. Design and technical implementation.

Shopware Freelancer vs. Shopware Agency - Think Marketing

It is rather rare for someone to master both at an expert level. Thus, if it is not only pure technical issues, such as the creation of a new theme or just pure design tasks, such as the design of a loading page, you need at least two freelancers. In the best case, both organize themselves. However, theory and practice are far apart, especially in e-commerce. Since both of them probably have other projects going on as freelancers, clear time management is needed. This means that you could hire an internal project manager for this as a retailer, or you could tie yourself up and lose a lot of time. Again, let’s look at our graph. Here, the factors size of the company and budget play a role above all. The smaller the company, the better it can be coordinated, the more likely it is that freelancers will make sense as additional experts for specific tasks and probably also for the company budget. But what has not yet come into play in the consideration is marketing. Without visibility, no customers.

The advantages of a Shopware agency

That means you would need a freelancer for this. The problem is that all three are now conscientiously carrying out their tasks, but who can guarantee that the overall concept is right? This is where you reach your limits once you reach a certain size. In addition, we had already addressed other general dangers in the JTL blog, which of course also need to be taken into account. What if the freelancer transitions to a permanent position? What happens in the event of a death? Can you get the passwords then? All this must be clarified beforehand. To do this, we’ll show you the checklist from the Word Filter article once again. But why do you need an agency then? Especially when building up, but also to reach the next level, an agency can act holistically. The advantage is that there is an internal project manager, that the individual players, such as designers, developers, marketers and content creators are their own well-rehearsed team, which means that you save time and nerves as a merchant and client. In the end, it can then also be ensured that the common thread can be seen in all individual components. You can’t expect that when you employ completely independent freelancers unless you are a project manager yourself. And I think you as dealers will agree that there is no time for that.

Shopware Freelancer vs. Shopware Agency - The Conclusion

So the bottom line is this. Using a Shopware freelancer selectively for individual areas, if it is a small company, there is nothing against it. Just take note of the checklist in advance, simulate all eventualities and clarify this in advance so that you don’t have to deal with things like bogus self-employment afterwards. If you have profound know-how in at least one area, support for purely Shopware-related problems could also be a solution approach. However, if you are in the process of setting up your business and you still lack the exact vision or the concrete implementation of this vision in a holistic form, then you should definitely consider an agency. You benefit from the experience of specialists in every area, the holistic approach from technical implementation, design, to topics such as off- and On-page marketing, Social Media Marketingetc., have less stress due to external coordination and benefit from more manpower, simultaneous work and the resulting time efficiency and, in the end, simply the teamwork that has been created by reporting on jointly managed projects within the agency network in the past.

Do you need a Shopware agency?

I hope this has provided you with some clarity about what is included in a Shopware store, when which option makes sense and what the respective advantages are. If you are still unsure or even more sure that you need an agency, we at eBakery will be happy to advise you as a Shopware agency. Please make an appointment directly.

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