Shopware vs. Oxid eShop

The comparison of store systems

In the eBakery online store system comparison this time are Shopware vs Oxid eShop. Two open source solutions from Germany with a lot in common. But are there also differences? Find out with our eBakery online store system comparison video.

Shopware vs. Oxid eShop - What costs can be expected?

This episode will mainly be about the Freiburg store system Oxid. We will contrast this with the already all too familiar Shöppinger store system Shopware. Oxid eSales AG was founded in 2003, before Shopware, as we know. Just like Shopware, there is also a free Community Edition. In addition, there is also a Professional and Enterprise Edition. They are also priced roughly in the Shopware price segment, so rather higher class. There is a subdivision in the B2C and B2B Enterprise Edition, for which you have to spend either 18.000 or 32.000€.

Shopware vs. Oxid eShop - The similarities

Thus, it can be said that Shopware and Oxid basically have the same bandwidth as a target group. The Oxid B2B and B2C Cloud also makes it easy for e-commerce beginners. This option of not having to host the store yourself is also available with Shopware. If you missed our Shopware Cloud videos, here is the link to the playlist. What both also have in common is the possibility to be connected to JTL-Wawi. There is a working connector for both. Both can also be used internationally, as multilingualism is no problem for either store system. If you choose a paid plan, you can also get support for both systems. Otherwise, there is also a very active community at Oxid incl. Forum.

The summary

So what can be noted?
Both systems are in a higher-priced segment. Internationalization is no problem with either. Both are modular, which means you can expand them specifically. With the cloud versions, beginners can also use the systems without any problems, but both enterprise solutions also offer room for scaling.

So you can see that Oxid and Shopware are very close. So, in the end, all we are left with is a look at the statistics. Shopware is already used significantly more often overall. But let’s take a look at the DACH region and the surrounding area. Here you can see a small dominance of Shopware, however, has bspw. oxide in France and the United Kingdom.

For questions about Oxid or Shopware - contact eBakery

So, as so often, the best option is to test for yourself which system is better suited for your case. You don’t have to pay any license fees for that, but only the Bear server fees yourself. Otherwise, eBakery will also be happy to help you. We support you as an Oxid partner as well as a Shopware agency.

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