eBay SEO Title: How to create the perfect SEO title

The eBay title is the item description, which must be deposited as details of the offer. According to eBay, the item description may contain 80 characters.

Offers with a meaningful item description are better found by buyers. Describe exactly what your item is about. Use words that buyers would use when searching for your item.

eBay SEO Title

After you have selected the appropriate eBay category for your offer, the other details about the offer follow – item description and subtitle. For your listing to rank satisfactorily, proper category assignment is mandatory. eBay titles are one of the most important elements of an eBay listing, even more so than your eBay template. According to our own research, an eBay title contains an average of 65 characters and 12 words.

First and foremost, eBay item descriptions are important to improve discoverability. Using relevant keywords (search terms/keywords) is crucial to ensure that your eBay listing is optimized for eBay’s search engine algorithm, Cassini.

Keyword analysis and research

In the run-up, deal with the keyword analysis and keyword research for your own offer. There are a few keyword tools and, among others, the eBay Suggest feature.

The eBay Suggest is the suggestions within the eBay search. This provides, in addition to the frequent search terms, also matching category to the search term.

Keywords in eBay title

When the keyword research is complete, the keyword with the highest priority belongs in the eBay title – in which position is less important here. But it should happen in logical order and necessarily in correct spelling. Other important keywords include item specifications.

Create a long eBay title

You have 80 characters! It’s been proven that longer eBay titles increase conversion rates. This is due to the fact that buyers can get the maximum amount of information relevant to their purchase decision before clicking on an offer. Do not use
and adjectives like cute, sweet or even new.

But, don’t use keywords to decorate your eBay title with keywords, use them only when they make logical and syntactical sense.

Item specifications in eBay title

Be sure to use item specifications in the eBay title. The information you should use varies from offer to offer and should be, for example, clothing and shoes the size, measurements, color and collection, if any. Other item specifications could be manufacturer, model number and condition.

As an example, I have taken a car tire from eBay. The item specifications such as tire width, tire height, radial tire, load index, and maximum allowable speed, among others.

This is the absolute basic information for eBay’s search engine algorithm, which decides which listings to display for which search queries in order to index and match your listing with the most relevant search queries.

eBay SEO Title

  • correct category
  • relevant keywords
  • relevant article specifications
  • 80 characters or as long as possible
  • do not useacronyms
  • correct spelling
  • Capitalization

P.S. Capitalization in eBay Title. We recommend capitalizing the first letter of each word in the title to make it easier to read. Also, consider fully capitalizing words for emphasis if they add value to a potential buyer’s needs.

We will gladly take over the creation and optimization of your products on eBay. You can also contact us at any time on the subject of eBay advertising!

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