Google Mobile First Index

3 steps you should follow now after the SEO UPDATE

What is Google Mobile-First Index ? What has changed since March 2021? Why are no desktop pages crawled by Google anymore and what do you have to consider for your online store now? In this Google SEO tutorial, we shed light on what is related to Google Mobile-First Index.

Responsive pages are now becoming even more important

Besides the not very aesthetic impression of an online store that is not responsive, a store that is not optimized for mobile devices can lead to something worse from now on – worse rankings. Why this is so, we explain to you in this video. This may be related to the Google Mobile-First Index. But what is it now?

Google Mobile-First Index - What is it?

Normally, the basis for the creation of a website is the desktop view. This will then be adapted to the mobile view once it is ready. This means that the site also looks coherent on smartphones, but also simply works. A typical element of Responsive Design is, for example. the burger menu. These three bars symbolize that the navigation is extended there.This replaces the header and is therefore more usable on smaller screens. The orientation that the basis for the design is the desktop version can be changed. but may now turn around, thanks to the mobile-first principle. Since March 2021, Google relies exclusively on the content of the mobile version of a website for indexing. This means that the desktop crawls are now over. That’s why we want to show you in 3 steps what to consider and optimize.

Google Mobile-First Index -Analyze Indexing Status and Check Content

Step #1 is the analysis of the indixation status. With the help of Google Search Console you can see how mobile-friendly your pages are. It will also show you directly on which pages something is wrong or criticized. Furthermore, you can then assume that Google’s mobile crawler has indexed your pages.
Step #2: In the future, the desktop version should match the mobile version. Often, content from the desktop version is hidden for the mobile view. The background is a better user experience on the smartphone or tablet. However, this can now mean that this content is not taken into account when Google indexes it. Therefore, Google advises that content should be consistent across all page versions for all devices.

Pay attention to your PageSpeed for mobile and desktop

Step #3: If your pages have been detected by the mobile crawler, then that’s half the battle, but the PageSpeed of your mobile version is also crucial. This is different from the desktop version. We simply enter a very generic term like “screwdriver” and find the big giant with “A” as the first organic result and see if this could be due to PageSpeed. So we copy and paste the domain into the PageSpeed Insights tool. As we can see, this site is doing very well with a mobile score of 77 and desktop at 97. By the way, we find our Core Web Vitals here as well. If these don’t mean anything to you and even the explanations below them only cause question marks, you can either watch the appropriate video or make an appointment with the Google SEO specialist to have them work on improving your store.

Google Mobile-First Index has been active since March

As a conclusion, therefore, it can now be said that there is a need for action if no action has yet been taken. Since March of this year, the Google Mobile First Index is active and can cost you valuable rankings if you haven’t paid attention to responsiveness yet. Connect your store to Google Search Console and check if your pages have been mobile indexed. If there are errors, correct them. While doing so, also try to fix the flaws indicated by the PageSpeed Insight Tool. Please have a look at our Google Playlist and use e.g. the following links. ourw Google Search Console guide to connect your store to the Console.

For questions about Google SEO, contact eBakery

If you have any questions about the change or if you want to make your online store mobile-friendly in general, please feel free to contact us.

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