Schedule Instagram posts

Schedule Instagram posts on mobile and have them post automatically

Learn how to schedule Instagram posts so that they are then posted automatically. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to publish your Instagram posts automatically using the Facebook Business Suite app.

Schedule Instagram posts - Pre-schedule easily on your phone

In this video, we’ll show you how to pre-schedule and automatically post your Instagram posts on mobile. In our last article we already told you why it is so important to plan your mail in advance. And that’s so that you follow a regular schedule, saving time in the process, and your posts are always top quality because they’re not written on the fly.

What is the Facebook Business Suite app?

In addition to many third-party apps that let you finish your posts but don’t let you post them automatically, there’s now the Business Suite app that lets you schedule your content on Instagram and Facebook from your smartphone and also publish it automatically. The whole thing even goes free of charge. Until recently, Facebook Creator Studio only allowed users to pre-schedule their posts via the desktop. Now, finally, it’s possible via cell phone. With the Facebook Business Suite app, you’ll save time and always be prepared.
To use the app, you need an Instagram Business account and a connected Facebook page.

Schedule Instagram posts - These requirements must be met

When you open the app, you’ll already see that you can have both your Facebook and Instagram accounts.
To schedule a post, go to“Publish” and a new post will appear. At the top, you can now first set where your post should be published. You can choose your Facebook page and your Instagram account, or just one of each. Create your post as usual by selecting a photo or video, writing something about it, entering the appropriate hashtags, tagging people and clicking “Next”. By the way, even in the future it will probably be possible to pre-schedule IGTV videos. Some stories can also be pre-scheduled via the app. However, not all of them have this function yet.

Schedule Instagram posts - Here's how

When you tap on scheduling options, you have the option to schedule your post for later. Select the time and click “Done“. This way, your post will be posted automatically at that time. Below you can see the image preview. Review your post and finally click“Schedule Post” to publish it for sure. The app will then direct you to the posts page. Here you can see your planned and your already published contributions. If you notice a mistake afterwards or you want to change something, you can always change or delete the scheduled posts.
If you notice now that you don’t have these features yet, be patient as the app will unlock more and more for everyone over time.
If you’re a business active on Instagram, you should definitely check out this app to make your job easier.

For questions around social media, feel free to contact eBakery

In addition to the planning option, if you want to further optimize your Instagram account but are lacking Instagram strategy, feel free to contact eBakery’s social media experts. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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