The 5 best Shopify AI tools

Automate your online store!

We present the 5 best Shopify AI tools for your online store. These analyze customer behaviour and create upsell options, provide you with a range of content creation tools or translate the language of your store completely automatically. See more in the video.

The 5 best Shopify AI tools - Octane AI

Let’s start with the first Shopify AI tool called Octane AI. This is a recommendation integration for Shopify that works on the basis of a quiz. This means that several questions with possible answers are created in a visually appealing way, which gradually leads the customer to their ideal product. This means that the AI suggests the perfect product from your store based on the customer’s answers. The tool can be connected, for example. with a newsletter registration, i.e. the result is sent to the customer by e-mail.

You can use the quiz plugin for this

Or with a discount code promotion, i.e. that the customer, for example, receives a discount code. 10% discount if they complete this quiz. Because the benefit for you is that you know exactly what your customers are looking for most and can put together your range more specifically accordingly and thus make more sales. The price for Octane Ai is either 50$ or 200$ per month, depending on how many quiz runs are completed.

The 5 best Shopify AI tools - Our #2

Our number 2 is an AI language translation tool from T Lab. This adapts your store to the respective country both in terms of language and currency using AI. As you can see, several languages are included here. For example, if we change from German to Portuguese, then the currency is also changed from Euro to Brazilian Real. This translates the navigation, the home page texts and the product descriptions into the respective language. The Translation Lab Shopify plugin is even free for one language. If you want more, you can upgrade to the Premium plan for $29.99 a month.

The 5 best Shopify AI tools - quickly and easily change the model of your product images

With our number 3, you can make your store even more individual and stand out from the competition. The On Model AI plugin ensures that the model on your supplier product images is replaced. This means that the AI recognizes the product, e.g. in this case the sweater and simply replaces the person wearing it. However, if desired, not only the person can be changed, but even the background. But that is not all. The tool can even create full-body model images from headless pictures, all without any photo shooting or editing skills. Depending on how many images are to be exchanged, the tool can either be used free of charge or costs up to 99$ per month.

What can Wiser do?

With our number 4, we present another recommendation or upselling AI app, which works differently to our number 1, however. We are talking about Wiser. This allows personalized recommendations to be displayed in the store and frequently purchased products to be sold at a discount as a bundle. Visually, the whole thing looks like this. On the product detail page below the product we have a Frequently Bought Together area where the savings are directly visible. Below we have AI-based, personalized recommendations that change in each customer account. But that is not all. You can integrate recommendation pop-ups at any point. In the shopping cart, in the checkout, on the thank you page, in your newsletter, etc.
From the first order, the app costs you $9 per month and then scales up to 2000 orders for $199 per month. Everything above this is covered by the Enterprise Plan.

The 5 best Shopify AI tools - everything you need for content creation

Our number 5 is a very special tool that offers you all the features you need for marketing via TikTok, for example.
That’s exactly what this plugin is called – CreatorKit. Included is unique stock footage video material, a background remover, a soundtrack AI tool, a caption creator that automatically creates subtitles, a VoiceOver tool that turns your text into a dubbing voice, title text animations and much more. Accordingly, CreatorKit actually contains everything you need for content production in a single app. Depending on which features you value, the plugin costs from 0$ to 149$ per month.

Shopify agency eBakery

These were our 5 best AI Shopify tools. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. Otherwise, we at eBakery are also happy to help you as a Shopify agency and AI agency with your more complex concerns.

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