Shopware 6 shipping and payment methods

Add new shipping and payment methods in the sales channel

In this Shopware 6 screencast tutorial, we will show you how to set up new shipping and payment methods in Shopware 6 and how to store them in your sales channel. We’ll show you where to find them, how to integrate rules in the shipping and payment settings, and how to establish pricing matrices.

Here you can find the Shopware 6 shipping and payment methods

In this blog we want to explain you how to create shipping and payment methods and place them in your sales channel in Shopware 6.
We start as usual in the administration area of your Shopware 6 store and go to the settings.
There you will also find directly in the sub-item Shop both the shipping and payment methods settings. We start with the shipping methods and at first glance we see the conventional overview again. So name, description, status whether active or inactive and at the end of the line the context menu for editing and deleting. We create a new shipping method.

Create a new Shopware 6 shipping method

The basic information consists of the name of the shipping method, which is usually named after the service provider or just the particular shipping method, the description, the logo and the activation. Furthermore, a delivery time indication is obligatory. The tracking URL depends on the service provider. For all tracking URLs, however, it is important to include the suffix “%s” as a placeholder instead of the actual tracking number.
This is then completed by Shopware itself.
With the availability rule, for example. rules for shipping that you have previously created in the Rule Builder. We have already explained how this works in the previous blog. This means that you provide or exclude certain shipping methods only for certain locations, customer groups, time periods, etc. The configuration options in the Rule Builder are very, very extensive. Also for the price matrix, previously created rules can be taken over from the Rule Builder and scales, for example, can be set. be made for the weight. So that at a weight of 0 – 5 Kg a price of 3,99€ is estimated, with a weight over 5 up to 15 kg however a price of 5,99€ is to be performed. When you are satisfied with your newly generated shipping method save it.

Create a new Shopware 6 shipping method

We also find the Shopware 6 payment methods under the store settings and notice that the overview menu looks the same as it does for shipping. We create a new payment type again and have the basic information at the top as well. So the name, the description and the possibility to store a logo. The position symbolizes the position where this payment type would be displayed in the frontend. We activate this and can, if necessary, give the customer the option to change the payment method even after the order has been completed. This can be enabled here by means of a toggle switch. As for the shipping types, predefined availability rules can be set here. So availability of this payment method for example. only for Sunday sales. Finally, save again and go into our desired sales channel in the left column. If we scroll down a bit, we can also see the payment and shipping methods of this storefront, where we can now place our new items we just created. One last save and the integration process is complete.

We help you beyond the Shopware 6 shipping and payment methods create

I hope we could take you with the video another hurdle to optimize your Shopware 6 online store piece by piece.
For more information about Wawi connections, Shopware SEO, hosting, support and maintenance you can read on our Shopware agency and in the course of this also make a consultation appointment with the experts from eBakery.

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