Social media automation with ZAPIER

Post to Facebook and Twitter automatically

Automate social media channels and have them post to Facebook and Twitter automatically. You can do that with the social media automation tool Zapier. Find out which platforms you can connect to, how it works and what it will cost you in our social media tutorial.

Social media as marketing measures are very important

How important social media is for you as an online retailer, I think is clear from many of our previous videos. emerged. Of course, the reach that can be achieved in this way is more promising for one industry than for the other – lifestyle products are of course better and easier to market than office supplies. But with the right marketing strategy, even the most boring or niche product can become a real eye-catcher if it reaches the right target group. However, if you are still lacking this strategy, feel free to ask our social media experts for advice.

Social media automation with the Zapier tool

If, on the other hand, the strategy is in place and you’ve already set yourself up on the common platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Co, then we’ll pick up where we left off and want to show you a tool that goes some way to fulfilling the dream of social media automation. This is made possible by Zapier, which allows you toautomate actions between different web apps .In our case, this means setting up certain workflows, so that, for example, the web app can be used. your YouTube video is automatically posted to Facebook and Twitter.

This is what you can do with Zapier

Furthermore, there are also interfaces to CRM systems, project management tools or email marketing services like mailchimp. In your zaps you will see the respective workflows. For example a new video appearing on YouTube can be posted directly to Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or on the Facebook page without you having to make a single click. The good thing about Zapier is that you can choose your own plan depending on the scope and pay according to it. That means you could buy Zapier for 5 Zaps, for example. Use YouTube – Twitter, YouTube – Facebook, YouTube – Pinterest, YouTube – LinkedIn for free and thus have a total of 100 tasks processed without having to pay anything. Should you need to stock up and increase your mail frequency, you can choose one of the offered plans and be well prepared.

Zapier offers interfaces to CRM systems, project management tools and social media platforms

Furthermore, there are also interfaces to CRM systems, project management tools or email marketing services like mailchimp. In your zaps you will see the respective workflows. For example a new video appearing on YouTube can be posted directly to Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or on the Facebook page without you having to make a single click. The good thing about Zapier is that you can choose your own plan depending on the scope and pay according to it. That means you could buy Zapier for 5 Zaps, for example. Use YouTube – Twitter, YouTube – Facebook, YouTube – Pinterest, YouTube – LinkedIn for free and thus have a total of 100 tasks processed without having to pay anything. Should you need to stock up and increase your mail frequency, you can choose one of the offered plans and be well prepared.

For questions about social media contact eBakery

I hope you have now learned about one possible option for social media automation that fits your strategy. If you have any further questions about social media, please feel free to contact our experts.

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