Emoji marketing

What is it and how do you use emojis for your business?

Emoji marketing describes advertising and communication measures in which emoji symbols are used. But why should you use them in your marketing campaigns and, most importantly, how do you integrate them in a meaningful way? Learn more in this online marketing tutorial.

What is Emoji Marketing?

The term emoji marketing describes advertising and communication measures in which emoji symbols are used. Everyone will probably know them, but defining exactly what they are is not so easy. The dictionary says it is a “pictogram originating from Japan, similar to an emoticon, which refers to emotional states, objects, places, animals, food or the like”. Which brings us back to the topic of language and communication. After all, what is often practiced in private is what we can best identify with. And that’s what matters in advertising, among other things. It should catch attention and stick with the consumer, which is well accomplished by something he or she knows very well and is associated with emotions.

Examples of companies that rely on emoji marketing

Large companies such as Mc Donalds, Netflix or Aldi have already made use of the pictograms of the online world. But what advantages are these emojis supposed to offer me? On the one hand, a lot is said with few characters. It becomes clearer the intention, the wording in which something is said and partly also conveys emotions. This allows e.g. something like irony can be communicated much more clearly than mere text can, since, for example, we are not aware of it. the voice pitch of the person is missing when it comes to newsletter marketing bspw. acts.
Which brings us to a use case, but where can’t emoji marketing be put to good use?

Emoji marketing is appropriate in these areas

Especially when it comes to social media marketing, it makes sense to consider using emojis. On the one hand to save yourself characters, which will benefit you on Twitter, but also to simply stand out. Who doesn’t know it when you’re swiping through your feed and you’re rather catcalled by visual things instead of purely textual ones. Of course, this can also happen through pure images, but even if a person decides to pause through an image, most of the time the caption is then read, which is much better remembered if it is illustrated with emojis, because we now think in images. Two other examples where emojis attract more attention from the viewer are the Google SERPS. Just give her Amazon SEO bspw. you will find eBakery first in the organic search. Compared to the other results, it is noticeable that the emoji hook and the rating stars clearly stand out. That is, by using emojis, you can generate visibility in the sense of “catching attention.” This also applies to the second eCommerce specific example, we had already described in the video above on the right how you can get more attention on eBay with emojis.

These are the rules you should follow

As you can see, there are many, many areas of application for emoji marketing, but certainly some no-go’s as well. Therefore, we would like to conclude by giving you a few rules to follow. Is your business in the funeral business, in the credit business, or in the luxury segment, like for example. the field of luxury watch repair, then emojis would most likely not be appropriate and make you unserious. This is also true if you use emojis in an inflationary way. This then seems rather oppressive and is dismissed as spam. Also, knowing which emojis are considered fundamentally inappropriate can’t hurt. So the peach or eggplant should be avoided if your business is beyond horizontal.

Application for companies

Therefore, the rule of thumb for you should be to pick a handful of emojis that represent your brand or company.
This may be specifically related to your name, or it may be related to the industry in general. Then establish these emojis in areas that seem appropriate for you, examples I just mentioned before.

No marketing strategy? - Turn to eBakery

If your company is completely lacking a marketing strategy, you are welcome to make an appointment with our social media experts for advice.

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