Search engines have recently adapted more and more to the user’s demands regarding user experience. Especially Google does not want to recommend a website that does not meet the needs of the users. At the latest since the Google Page Experience, more attention should be paid to the user experience. In the following we have 4 tips for you, with which you can combine user experience and SEO.

In this video we have 4 tips for you to combine user experience and SEO:

A good user experience already starts with the search results

For this point, we need to look at the complete path that a user usually takes to access a website. This is often started with the Google search. The user has a specific request and enters this as a search query. This is often followed by the first point of contact with a website or brand. The search results thus decide whether a user visits a website or not. These are sorted out by the user on the basis of the snippets. A snippet consists of the URL, the title and a description. The user pays attention to the following points:

  • does the search result seem trustworthy?
  • Does the page description answer the user’s search query?
  • Is the title appealing?

If you optimize these points, you pick up the users already at the Google search!

Optimize your site not for Google, but for the visitors

If you create a positive experience for your website visitors, they often interact by sharing the page or a post on social media or linking to it. If the user experience of a page is very good, it will be visited more often by the users. These actions automatically send positive signals to Google. So optimize your website not only for a better ranking, but especially for the visitors, because user experience and SEO go hand in hand nowadays.

Implements a search function

With the help of a search function on your website, you make it easier for users to search for specific articles. This way you make sure that users can find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Ideally, this function should also already display automatic search suggestions and include automatic spelling correction. This way you can also increase your conversions.

Allows guest orders

In this day and age, very few users take the time to create a new customer account. Meet your visitors here and allow them to place guest orders. However, to get your customers to sign up for an account with you anyway, you can offer them a coupon for registering. They can then redeem this, for example, with their next purchase.

These 4 tips will all lead to users finding a solution when they visit your site. If these visits become longer and more frequent, this will send positive signals to Google, which will help you rank better.

eBakery helps you improve the UX

If you have any questions about performance marketing, you can contact us at any time by filling out the contact form below. As an SEO agency Frankfurt, we are also happy to help you with UX and SEO, for example Typo3 search engine optimization.

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