With the help of a SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of a company can be compared with the opportunities and threats. The name SWOT is derived as an abbreviation of the English terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. If you put all the first letters of the words together to form a word, you get the abbreviation SWOT. The goal of a SWOT analysis is to define measures that can be used to avoid the identified risks and exploit the opportunities.

In this video we will show you how to create a SWOT analysis for your SEO:

We will now show you how to use a SWOT analysis for SEO purposes.

A look at the fundamental issues

For each individual quadrant of SWOT, different questions arise that we will look at in more detail: The first two quadrants deal with internal factors:
Starts with the word “strengths” and thus with the positive qualities first. For example, there are these 4 questions to answer.

  1. What has worked well for SEO so far?
  2. What is the mobile load time of my website?
  3. What are the top 10 landing pages with the best traffic?
  4. What is the offer?

Next, we come to the weaknesses. To this end, clarifies questions such as:

  1. Which parts of the website need to be improved and revised?
  2. What is expandable for the mobile view?
  3. Which keywords rank far behind or have hardly any visibility?
  4. Which landing page brings little to no traffic?
  5. Which landing page brings no or few leads?
  6. What are competitors doing that I should be doing?
  7. What is the SEO budget?
  8. Are we positioned well enough for successful SEO?
  9. Are skills or employees missing?

Let’s move on to the next point of the swot analysis: opportunities. These are external factors:

To do this, answer the following questions:

  • What is the user journey of your own website?
  • How easy is it for a customer to find what they are looking for on the website?
  • What do my customers need?
  • Which content should be better optimized for customers?
  • Which weaknesses need more resources?
  • Which strengths need to be further developed?

Then you have already reached the weak points. To do this, you ask yourselves questions like:

  • What do competitors do better than me?
  • What are my competitors doing well in SEO?
  • What things are changing in the industry right now? Should I react to trends?
  • What changes in the search engine? Are there updates coming or new factors I need to be aware of?
  • How big is the gap from my website to the top ranked pages?
  • And is this gap growing fast?

After you have done a SWOT analysis, weaknesses but also strengths will stand out even more and you will find out where you need to focus. However, the topic of SEO is always long-term, so you should keep in mind that not everything can be changed within a short time. Better create a yearly plan and distribute the tasks.

eBakery helps further

If you need help, please contact the experts at eBakery via the contact form. As an e-commerce agency, we have extensive experience in the SEO area with our SEO Frankfurt team.

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