Free OnPage SEO Analysis Tool

How to optimize your online store for Google with Ubersuggest

In this SEO tutorial we will show you how to improve your online store’s Google rankings with the help of the free OnPage SEO analysis tool “Ubersuggest”. How to optimize your online store for Google.

Free OnPage SEO analysis tool - Ubersuggest

In this episode we want to introduce you to another tool that is designed to optimize your website or online store. So how you can optimize your store OnPage SEO for free, you can learn here. As you probably already guessed from the title, it’s the holistic SEO tool by expert Neil Patel called Ubersuggest.

Ubersuggest - More than just OnPage SEO

Holistic means that it is not only intended for pure onpage optimization, but also supports you in keyword research, finding the right content, but also in the analysis of backlink data. The good thing is that you don’t have to download or install anything. You can simply search for “Ubersuggest” on Google, click on it and enter your domain directly to have it analyzed.

Free OnPage SEO Analysis Tool - Price Structure

Let’s take the domain from the last video. If you missed our Screaming Frog blog, you should catch up. Should you register for free, you will get more features like personalized SEO suggestions, more keyword suggests and your daily rankings displayed. Otherwise, you also have three paid plans to choose from, each of which you can also test for 7 days free of charge. But since you are probably not an agency and therefore only want to manage your one store, the Individual tariff for 1 – 3 websites would be sufficient for you. If you want to read up on this in more detail, check out the Neil Patel site.

Free OnPage SEO Analysis

We go back and look around to see what kind of data we get. You first and foremost keep the number of pages that show up in the organic search results. Furthermore, the monthly traffic for this domain, the Domain Authority Score and the number of pages linking to your site. With the paid version you would then get more detailed statistics displayed here, like your ranking history. For this page, for example, would be here to see that the site has lost rankings over the course of this year.
What would interest us more for the OnPage optimization would be the SEO analysis, which is why we now go to this.

Practical example with the free OnPage SEO analysis tool

That doesn’t look bad at all. An On-Page SEO Score of 79, which is rated Very Good. But now you will think, between 79 and 100 it is still a bit. But achieving a score of 100 is virtually utopian. Then rather a score of 80 – 90 but more pages in the index that also rank. What you should be more interested in is this section. You can go to the error analysis and see what the problem is. In the case 4 pages that fall below the minimum word count. Now if that doesn’t tell you anything, feel free to check out our SEO Playlist that we’ve linked to in the top right corner. There we go into more detail about the things that need to be considered.
If you want to get more information about it, click on the link behind. Now you can see which pages Why are affected.

How to analyze your SEO mistakes

Ex. the contact page with a word count of 80. If you don’t want to rank with that anyway, it’s not a big deal. For the other pages you should try again and maybe expand the content of the page a bit. Otherwise, you will be alerted if metadata or the headings are missing. Behind it you will get an estimation of the difficulty level and the impact on your SEO. With a value of“Medium“, you should already take care of it if you want to optimize your page OnPage.

Free OnPage SEO Analysis Tool - The Core Web Vitals

What has to be pointed out very commendably are the overall scores of the Core Web Vitals, which are in the excellent range for both desktop and mobile. At the bottom you will find a list of your existing SEO problems in order of importance. If you have fixed them, you can then re-crawl your page and check if they are no longer necessary.

For questions about SEO contact eBakery

I hope we could give you a little insight into another SEO tool and provide clarity on how you can also perform your online store OnPage optimizations for free. If your aspirations go beyond that and you want to get a marketing strategy developed, feel free to contact the experts at eBakery.

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