Google Analytics Tutorial

How Google Analytics works for online retailers

This Google Analytics tutorial will give you an overview of how to properly read, understand and interpret the data submitted by your online store in the Google Analytics interface. We give you two practical examples for online retailers, what can be optimized by Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Tutorial - How to use the Google Analytics tool as an online merchant

In the last episode we already showed you how to create a Google Analytics account and connect it to JTL Shop 5.
In this blog article, we want to show you exactly what analytics data is collected and what you can do with it.
First of all, you can select directly in the top left corner which Analytics account you want to get into and for which website you want to see the statistics. The home page shows you the real-time data and displays the data collected for the time period you specify.

Taking a closer look at real-time data

We can take a closer look at the real-time data that a user was on our site in the last 30 minutes and how long they stayed on the site. We can see which device he used to access the store, which in our case seems to be a PC or Mac. We can locate more precisely from where this user visited the page and have more detailed data in the lower field. This includes the pages that were called, the time spent in our store and the conversion after the name of the event.
We did a test order just before, which is why we havepurchase ” as our event name.
Furthermore, we can differentiate how many users have purchased something by contrasting the number of “All Users” and“Purchasers“.

Google Analytics Tutorial - Home Page Overview

If we now go back to the home page, we can get a more detailed overview of how our store is running.
It is good and probably also helpful to see what is currently happening in real time in our store, but a more valid statement has then rather e.g. a monthly balance sheet. This could be set as a dropdown menu at the bottom left under the statistics. Of course, nothing has changed for us yet, as we only connected the Analytics account to the online store a day ago, but you should now be able to see a monthly balance. You can and must now set this period for each individual statistic in order to display the correct data.

What is your best traffic source?

So you could for example. see here what your best traffic source is. This could include organic Google search, Google Ads, social medias or other. If you want to have a more detailed look at the data for this statistical survey, you have the possibility to click on the arrow at the bottom right and you will get a detailed view. So just on the home page alone, you can look at how customers are attracted to your store, when most customers are on your site, what country they are from, what pages they are most likely to visit, what products convert best, what your user retention is like, and, and, and.
A wealth of information that you can put to work for you. We want to show you two approaches how you can profit from the collected data as an online merchant and to make it clear what a powerful tool Google Analytics can be.

Two practical examples for the use of Google Analytics in connection with your online store

A first approach would be to run more specific marketing campaigns. If you know that your product, for example. outside Europe is much better received, you can use your advertising measures, e.g. culturally adapted to this target group and also locally seen e.g. target these areas when running Facebook Ads.
A second approach would be to go into the detail view of page views and see which pages are viewed the most and for how long.
If there for example. If there is a product page that is often called up but has a low average interaction time, you could, for example. keep the site visitor longer on this page with a product video. If you don’t have them yet and you also lack the know-how, feel free to contact us. The link for our product video page we have linked here.

Google Analytics Tutorial - How product videos improve your ranking

Why you should do this? Well, the longer the potential customer stays on your store pages, the better Google rates it, which can bring you better rankings in the SERPs. You’re probably wondering what all those menus in the left column are for. As you may have just seen, the individual submenus are exactly the same as the detailed views of the individual statistics sections of our home page. An example now could be e-commerce purchases. If you want to view the items that have been purchased, it would be the same as going to E-Commercer Purchases in the monetization menu. That is, you could virtually go from the home page view to any submenu.

If you have any questions about Google Analytics, please contact us

That should be it for the overview of the Google Analytics reports. I hope you now understand what data can be collected, how to analyze it in detail, and what conclusions you can draw from the analysis data based on our two examples. Of course, this can be related to many other optimization options, so you as a merchant are asked to deal more with the statistics, to learn to read and interpret them for your store. If the setup didn’t work out for you, you are still missing the necessary marketing strategy or you would like to take the next step but don’t know what to look for when placing ads, feel free to contact the SEO experts at eBakery.

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