URL optimization

How to optimize your URL for Google SEO

In this video you will learn more about URL optimization. How to optimize your URL for Google SEO. How to create the perfect SEO URL for your online store is explained in this Google search engine optimization tutorial. 4 key points for the perfect SEO URL.

URL Optimization - This is why it is necessary

With the multitude of possible settings that need to be optimized on such a website or online store, it is easy to forget one or the other. However, this then makes the icing on the cake that the competition thinks of, which is why this then also ranks better. Because SEO is about just that, the icing on the cake. Because the devil is in the details. To prevent this from happening to you, we remind you with this video of a search engine, but also user-compliant URL structure and show you how to create the perfect SEO URL.

"The devil is in the details" - So pay attention to your URLs

The URL is something that is often accepted and not really paid attention to. Similar to alt tags or file names of images. But if we apply this to the world of finance, the motto would be: “He who does not honor the cent is not worth the euro. That is why we now honor the metaphorical cent. Decisive for the URL is first of all the focus keyword. This should show up very far at the beginning in your meta data, your H1, as well as your page itself. Exactly the same applies to the URL. This should contain what you just want to tendrils with. For those who remember our
Yoast SEO Tutorial
may still remember that we were admonished there for our focus keyphrase being too long.

URL Optimization - The length is crucial

And finally, the focus keyphrase determines the length of your URL. Up to 4 words is okay, from 5 words it becomes critical. That means we already have two important points here. The URL should speak, i.e. describe what is behind it and in the best case contain your keyword. Numbers and letter combinations should be avoided. This in turn means that each URL can only be used once. Otherwise, www.meinedomain.com/die-perfekte-url would then be turned intowww.meinedomain.com/die-perfekte-url-2. This is anything but professional and Google does not like it either. Therefore, please avoid such endings.

Optimize your URL by prefix and top level domain

And again, to make it memorable. Here, the shorter the better. Dynamic URL’s should also be avoided. This can very quickly lead to duplicate content. What can be done about it, by the way, you can read our Screaming Frog Video take out. But to minimize the chance that Google classifies this as duplicate content and also assigns a worse click through rate to the URL, static URL’s should be used. Before the actual URL we have the protocol prefix and behind it top level domains. The prefix could be e.g. “Https” and the TLD “.de / .com / .to”, I think you know what is mean. The so-called “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure” is a communication protocol, which is also estimated by Google as the most secure and therefore preferred. But not only what is in front of the domain is relevant, but also what is behind it. If you use “.de” for German pages you can’t do anything wrong. Or for international sites “.com

URL Optimization - The Summary [4 Kernpunkte]

Which TLD’s are now high in demand can change from time to time. You have to inform yourself about the latest developments. But the URL is only a small part of the whole. Your store should be clearly structured from the beginning. One must also be aware that the directory depth should be kept as shallow as possible. The deeper this is, the less relevant Google sees it as. That is why 1 – 2 directory levels are recommended. So, in summary, we have four key points to consider if you want to optimize the rankings of your store pages.

  • #1: Keep the URL as short as possible
  • #2: Uses speaking URL’s, so maps the content of the page instead of cryptic characters
  • #3: Maintains trust through trusted protocols. This can be achieved, for example, using HTTPS prefix and a .de top level domain.
  • #4: Keep the directory structure as flat as possible

Search engine optimization with eBakery

I hope you now know how to optimize your store URLs. If your aspirations go beyond that and you want to get a marketing strategy developed, feel free to contact the experts at eBakery.

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