Ranking factors are criteria that influence the ranking of a web page. How a page ranks on Google depends on the Google algorithm. This is constantly changing, which also changes the ranking factors. Some ranking factors are officially confirmed by Google and others are not.

In this one, we look at 8 ranking factors that are particularly important for Google rankings in 2022:

For the above reasons, the topic of Google ranking factors is one on which there is much ambiguity and uncertainty. SEOs from all over the world are always discussing which ranking factors are important. Besides, no one knows how many ranking factors there are except Google. Experts estimate that today there should be around 200 factors. Since there is a lot to consider here, it makes sense to focus only on the most important ranking factors. Looking at various studies and search engine results on this topic, the following ranking factors are particularly important in 2022:

Quality and relevance of the content

One of the most important points in the meantime is the quality of the content. Content must not only offer added value, but also perfectly match the search query.

User friendliness

Google doesn’t want to recommend pages where users don’t feel comfortable, so for a good user experience, a clear navigation and also a logical page structure should be part of it. Also, refrain from pop-up ads as they disrupt the user experience.

Mobilie optimization

For several years now, Google has placed great emphasis on ensuring that websites are also displayed correctly for mobile devices. “Mobile First” should therefore be capitalized on by you.


The number of backlinks linking to your site is still important. Here it is especially important that trustworthy sites link to your site and ideally in the form of a recommendation.


The content of your website should always be kept up to date. That’s why you can’t avoid updates like content updates.

SSL encryption

Google values security and has made it clear in the past that HTTPS should be the standard over which a website is accessed.

Page loading speed

The speed at which your website loads is an important ranking factor for Google. The same applies to mobile devices.

Good titles

Since August 2021, Google has introduced the Title Tag Update. With the update, Google now pulls SEO snippets not only from the preview title, but also from the content of a web page. This can also be headlines within the content.

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