Shopify change language

How to achieve multilingualism for your Shopify store

How to change the language in Shopify and on the other hand implement multilingualism for your Shopify store, you can find out here. We will show you how to customize the store language in the frontend as well as in the backend and how to make your online store multilingual.

Shopify backend language change

To customize the language in and for the backend, go to Settings.
There you will find the area for store languages. What we want to implement now in step one is to change the language for the account.
Therefore we click on the corresponding button . If we scroll down a bit, we will see the preferred language, which we can set to the desired language. We save the process and go back to the store backend and refresh the page. You can already see that the menu items have changed from German to English. So mission 1 accomplished.

How to customize your store language in Shopify

To change the language of the actual store in the frontend, we can stay in the language menu and click on “Change Theme Language”. Here now also the language can simply bspw. be set to English and then saved. As you can see, all areas in the store have been translated. If you are not so satisfied with one or another translation or want to adjust it, you can make changes for the shopping cart, the contact area or the products in this area. This would also complete mission 2.

Shopify change language and thus create a multilingual store

But how can a multilingual store be set up?
We will now show you a variant that is more suitable for those who are just starting with internationalization. Once you have worked out which are your strong sales countries, you can create your own stores for them, where you can then adjust the currency, run your own country- and culture-specific marketing campaigns, and so on.
However, if you only want to offer the language component for now, the app“Weglot” is a possibility. This can be tested for 10 days and allows you to integrate the translation of a language into your Shopify store. Besides the translation into several, different languages, some display changes can be made, such as displaying the flags to select the language. Otherwise, there is still the possibility to activate “Auto-switch”, i.e. the automatic switching to the preferred language of the page visitor. If you are convinced by the app and one language is enough for you, that would be 9,90€ monthly financial expenditure. If more languages are needed or your store has more than 10,000 words, there is also the possibility to choose one of the more advanced plans.

The Shopify agency eBakery will be happy to help you

I hope we could help you with this guide to prepare your store for internationalization. If your request has not been addressed in the blog article, we at eBakery are happy to support you as a Shopify agency.

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