Simply earn money online

It has never been so easy!

In 2024, it has never been easier to earn money online – is that true? Whether on TikTok or Fiverr, the possibilities are increasing day by day. But do you need a skill for this? That’s exactly what today’s episode of “They Not Like Us” with Ali and Argin is all about.

What do you need to earn money online easily?

It really is amazing how much the opportunities to earn money have changed in recent years. In the past, most people relied on traditional professions such as craftsmen or factory workers to earn a living. Nowadays, thanks to digitalization, we can earn money from anywhere in the world – be it Thailand, Georgia or the USA. All we need is a smartphone and Internet access.

Do you need a special skill?

Many people think that you have to have a special skill or ability to make money online these days. That’s not true across the board. There are actually many ways to earn money on the Internet without any special knowledge. A good example is the so-called“TikTok donations“. You can find out why we have put these in quotation marks in the linked article. This is because the legal view is that these are income rather than donations and must be treated as such for tax purposes.

Earn money easily online with TikTok donations

There are people who make good money by simply doing crazy things on TikTok – for example, drinking water from the toilet when they lose a game. Spectators can then buy coins or “roses” to support these campaigns. These “gifts” are bought by viewers with real money and can then be sent as “donations” within the live stream. The creator or streamer therefore receives money indirectly. Although this is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, it shows that nowadays you can earn money on the Internet without any special skills.

Khabane Lame - Going viral without saying a word

Of course, there are also many people who earn money online with special skills. A good example is a creator who shoots live pottery videos on TikTok and goes live with them. He shapes vases and other ceramic pieces from clay without saying a word. The spectators donate money to him because they admire his creativity and skill. This means that even if you are not a born entertainer or videogenic, you can show off your special skill and still become successful without saying a word. Probably the best-known example of this is Khabane Lame. Khaby is an Italian TikToker of Senegalese descent who took his chance in the early days of TikTok without saying a word. The only thing he has let speak for him is his facial expressions and gestures. This in turn has some advantages, as you can of course use it to address everyone, no matter what language you speak.

Earn money online the easy way - exploit the potential as a company

Whether you have a special talent or just want to do crazy things: Nowadays we have more opportunities to earn money online than ever before. Platforms such as TikTok, Fiverr or even simple website builders offer countless options. The only problem is that many people don’t even know how to use these tools properly. A good example of this is that there are still companies that will not have their own website in 2024. Imagine you’re looking for a carpenter in Frankfurt and can’t find a single website from the second page of the search results onwards. This shows that many entrepreneurs are simply overwhelmed by today’s digital tools.

Social media agency eBakery

Whether you have a knack for pottery, enjoy making a fool of yourself or simply need a professional website for your business, the opportunities to make money online are truly limitless these days. You just have to dare to use these tools and find your own ways to be successful online. However, if this is too much for you, we at eBakery will be happy to help you as a social media agency. Make an appointment directly here.

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