"Dank dem beherzten Eingreifen von eBakery und deren routiniertem Umgang mit der JTL Wawi konnte man uns schnell und unbürokratisch weiterhelfen. Mein besonderer Dank geht an den Mitarbeiter Benjamin Lambrecht, der seinen Samstag Abend für unseren Shop aufgebracht hat und das dringende Problem zügig löste."
"Wir sind begeistert von der Lösungsorientierten und pragmatischen Gangart, der extrem hohen Leistungsbereitschaft und Verfügbarkeit sowie dem persönlichen wie professionellem Vorgehen des gesamten eBakery Teams!"
"Wir fühlten uns von Anfang an gut durch eBakery beraten. Durch den Einsatz der JTL Produktpalette verfügen wir nun über ein hervorragendes Onlineshopsystem, welches modular erweiterbar ist und verschiedene Marktplatzanbindungen ermöglicht. Zudem gibt uns unsere Multichannel Strategie zusätzliche Umsatzsicherheit in der aktuellen Krise."
"Wir haben uns für eBakery als JTL Servicepartner entschieden, da man hier über viele Jahre Erfahrung in genau diesem Spezialgebiet verfügt. Unser Shop und die Auftragsabwicklung laufen sehr stabil. Mein besonderer Dank geht an Mohamed Ali Oukassi, der sich persönlich um die JTL-Wawi Einrichtung gekümmert hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit eBakery war unkompliziert und hat letztlich schnell zum Ziel geführt. Ich wusste prinzipiell was ich haben möchte, nur wie ich den Webshop am besten umsetzen kann, war mir nicht klar. eBakery hat mir dann verschiedene Optionen aufgezeigt und schließlich hat mich der JTL-Shop als Ergebnis überzeugt."
"Das Team von eBakery hat uns von Anfang an auf professionelle Art und Weise unterstützt. Mit unserem breit aufgestellten JTL Onlineshop, verfügen wir nun über eine optimale Ergänzung zu unserem Filialnetz und sehen uns für die Zukunft gerüstet. Insbesondere in der aktuellen Corona-Krise, können wir von der Lösung bereits erheblich profitieren."
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A+ content has been available for some time, but so far only for exclusive circles. In the meantime, the A+ Content Manager, through which this special content can be posted, is in principle available to all sellers. But what is this content and who needs it?
In the beginning, there is clearly the advantage of better displaying your own products, with the help of an Amazon HTML editor. The A+ content allows you to show your products in a more individual way. You will get several templates with the help of which you can make your product page more vivid. Due to the higher number of available characters, more attention can also be paid to SEO in Amazon, because the usual 2000 characters are quickly reached.
Originally, this program was designed to give individual manufacturers more options than vendors. The manufacturers were thus able to give their own products a fine-tuning in the presentation, as well as better represent their brand itself. More images and further customization options made these manufacturers stand out from the crowd so far. Access was also not available to everyone. Amazon monitored sales and then wrote to promising merchants with an offer to join the A+ Vendors program and move up from third-party to first-time vendor.
Even in the newer version of the A+ program, Amazon handles sales and shipping of the products that the retailer, or manufacturer provided. The vendor itself is then no longer visible to the end customer as a merchant. The end customer orders directly from Amazon. This continues to be the case. Participants in the A+ content program make their products available to Amazon in the required quantity. The platform takes care of the rest.
These adjustments, which are now also available to sellers, can increase visitor numbers, conversion rates and, logically, sales as a result. Especially if your brand isn’t that well known yet, it can be difficult to get your foot in the door with customers. Amazon hereby offers you a free opportunity to make high-quality content about your products available to the masses.
If you already have a seller account with Amazon, you still need the Amazon brand registration. Hereby you indicate that you own a brand, which you want to make known via Amazon and sell its products. Amazon has to recognize this brand first, then you get access to downloads and Vendor Central. Similar to Seller Central, you can find your poduct templates and marketing tools here.
In order to also present your content in a profitable way, we are happy to assist with the creation and maintenance of A+ content. We discuss with you the desired design and prepare the content search engine optimized, so that Google & Co. also find your brand faster. By now it is known that Google indexes the A+ pages and thus plays into your hands – if the page is designed accordingly well.
Access to A+ content, or the A+ Content Manager, allows a Vendor (and accepted Sellers) to change the description and images of ASIN products. Also, you have 5000 characters for the description instead of 2000. According to Amazon, this should make the content more appealing, increasing the likelihood of purchase.
If you want to sell a new product on Amazon, first create a project. The name is only good for your internal purposes and does not appear officially anywhere. Next, create a template that you want to use for your products. You create templates for your products by dragging and dropping different modules into your template. You can choose between these modules to prepare your content:
If your content doesn’t quite fill the module, or template, that’s perfectly fine. Arrange the content the way you want it. After uploading, Amazon will process the whole thing again and remove any unfilled content. By the way, if you ever have problems with a product or your seller account, we can help create an Amazon action plan.
Once Amazon has recognized your brand and approved you for the A+ program, log into Amazon Vendor Central. Here you click on the link “Marketing”. Now click on the A+ detail page to create a template for your products. On this template page you can see the modules already mentioned. Drag the modules to the correct place and fill the whole thing with content. Think of the end customer as more than just a visitor accessing some product page. Try to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and design the page more like a landing page. Pick up the customer, show him what special you have in store for him and why he should buy this particular product instead of one of the competitors.
You are provided with a master template that requires all the information that belongs to an ASIN-based page. This way you won’t forget the mandatory information and you can put all your creativity into the product description.
Post good product images. Blurry or too small images will not be accepted, because they would show your site in a bad light. Therefore, make sure you have good text and equally good images from the start.
After the “Dos” now come the “Don’ts”, because Amazon pays very close attention to what appears as A+ content on their pages:
Sometimes single, well-placed product pages are enough to draw visitors to your brand and sell more products. You can create templates for product families that reflect your individual design and brand. This includes designs for fonts as well as good images. Of course, the preparation of your page itself also plays a big role. It should be appealing, but not intrusive. It should pick up the customer, awaken a need, but not try to talk him into anything.
As an Amazon agency, we take care of the design and optimization of your A+ content so you can focus on your core business. We create the site according to your specifications and adapt it to the current circumstances to move your brand forward. Why not schedule a consultation right now and set the course for better Amazon marketing. We are also happy to provide you with comprehensive training on Amazon SEO.
A prerequisite to creating Amazon A+ content is an understanding of how it works. It is by no means enough to add a few sentences and images to the product page; it is much more important to convey a coherent overall impression and offer the user actual added value.
Following are some Amazon A+ content examples:
Exactly how a company designs its Amazon A+ content always depends on its individual goals and overall strategy.
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