Community management

Successful community management explained simply

Community management and its special challenges

In the age of social media, community management plays a particularly important role when it comes to communicating with customers and prospects while at the same time cultivating the image of one’s own brand.

However, the challenges that can be associated with modern community management are particularly high and should not be neglected – even in the stressful everyday business world.

But how important is it to be able to rely on reliable community management? And what should be considered in connection with the construction and maintenance of the same? How big is actually the challenge for companies that decide not to outsource this important area but to take care of community management themselves?

In the following, we will list how extensive the advantages are in connection with a functioning community management and what should be considered here.

What actually is a community?

Put simply, a community is a community of like interests. In the Internet age, communities are accordingly found primarily in social networks, relevant groups and forums.

Here, for example, they have the opportunity to network with each other and exchange information on current topics and trends. It is considered particularly characteristic in the context of a community that the various members have the same rights. In the first step, everyone can express their opinion here.

It goes without saying, however, that it is important to observe classic manners in order to be polite to one another.

What are the responsibilities of a community manager?

As the name suggests, a community manager is a person who ensures that important rules related to an existing community on the Internet are followed.

It is particularly important not to shy away from the famous “look beyond one’s own nose” and to keep an eye on the entire project. The various, pertinent areas of responsibility relate to, but are not limited to:

  • the structure of the pages in question
  • the support of the members
  • the detection of any need for optimization
  • the operation of a forum or the respective platform/group.

Particularly with regard to community management at companies, it is essential that the relevant target group also finds a contact person in the community manager who is competently available to answer any questions they may have.

Therefore, among other things, this is also an important marketing strategy, with the help of which the image of one’s own company and customer loyalty can be optimized.


Community management and the challenges

A look at the everyday life of a community manager shows that the challenges that have to be overcome in connection with reliable community management are quite varied. For example, it involves:

  • to generate new members again and again in order to further expand the success of the own brand
  • Be available as a contact person for questions and feedback
  • moderate in the forum, respectively in the social networks
  • Monitor the content posted by the respective target group in order to discover and evaluate customer requests, complaints and the like as quickly as possible
  • pass on the relevant info to other departments, such as marketing or product development, as appropriate.

These examples show how important it is to cover the different areas of community management as promptly and individually as possible. After all, this is a wonderful opportunity to get in touch with new and regular customers in order to adapt your own product range even better to their expectations.

Community management as a means of communication

Especially in view of the fact that the community manager is often in direct contact with the customer, it is important to observe several basic rules. Among other things, the focus here should not only be on polite dealings, but also on compliance with corporate identity guidelines.

The personal touch should also not be neglected in this context. For example, anyone who relies exclusively on standardized sentences copied from the relevant templates will quickly appear untrustworthy. It makes far more sense here to answer customers’ inquiries both promptly and in a friendly and individual manner. In this way, the customer feels valued and benefits from the pleasant feeling that he has turned to the right contact person with his request and that he will be helped further.

7 tips for successful community management

1. comprehensive monitoring
2. fast response times
3. uniform formulations & positions
4. set clear rules
5. clarify responsibilities
6. interaction with the community
7. show empathy

Comprehensive advice on all aspects of community management

The challenges community managers of small and large companies face every day are many and varied. If you want to take advantage of the extensive benefits of this marketing tool, it is important to get comprehensive advice on your relevant options.

eBakery has a wide range of experience and the right know-how to support you efficiently with regard to this particular area. Regardless of whether you have already established community management or would like to develop it in the future: We are your contact to create a reliable connection between you and your target group.

Whether it’s taking feedback, complaints or praise, or providing the necessary technical requirements, eBakery helps you improve user experience and satisfaction within your virtual community.

In order to show you the advantages around community management a little more clearly, we offer you a free initial consultation on the topic. Here we show you, among other things, how we would like to support you optimally in the maintenance of your forums and platforms on the basis of our individual way of working.

Your contact

Ali Oukassi

Ali Oukassi
+49 6917 3265820



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    What do you do as a community manager?

    The employee is responsible for direct communication between the company and the community on the social media and own platforms.

    How much does a community manager earn?

    Employees working in a Community Manager (m,w,d) job earn an average salary of around 40,000 euros.