"Dank dem beherzten Eingreifen von eBakery und deren routiniertem Umgang mit der JTL Wawi konnte man uns schnell und unbürokratisch weiterhelfen. Mein besonderer Dank geht an den Mitarbeiter Benjamin Lambrecht, der seinen Samstag Abend für unseren Shop aufgebracht hat und das dringende Problem zügig löste."
"Wir sind begeistert von der Lösungsorientierten und pragmatischen Gangart, der extrem hohen Leistungsbereitschaft und Verfügbarkeit sowie dem persönlichen wie professionellem Vorgehen des gesamten eBakery Teams!"
"Wir fühlten uns von Anfang an gut durch eBakery beraten. Durch den Einsatz der JTL Produktpalette verfügen wir nun über ein hervorragendes Onlineshopsystem, welches modular erweiterbar ist und verschiedene Marktplatzanbindungen ermöglicht. Zudem gibt uns unsere Multichannel Strategie zusätzliche Umsatzsicherheit in der aktuellen Krise."
"Wir haben uns für eBakery als JTL Servicepartner entschieden, da man hier über viele Jahre Erfahrung in genau diesem Spezialgebiet verfügt. Unser Shop und die Auftragsabwicklung laufen sehr stabil. Mein besonderer Dank geht an Mohamed Ali Oukassi, der sich persönlich um die JTL-Wawi Einrichtung gekümmert hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Wir hatten es eilig mit der Überarbeiteten Version unseres Food-Shops an den Start zu gehen und den deutschen Markt zu erreichen. Wir sind froh, dass wir mit eBakery einen Partner gefunden haben, der uns eine derartig schnelle und zugleich professionelle Lösung unserer Herausforderung ermöglicht hat."
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit eBakery war unkompliziert und hat letztlich schnell zum Ziel geführt. Ich wusste prinzipiell was ich haben möchte, nur wie ich den Webshop am besten umsetzen kann, war mir nicht klar. eBakery hat mir dann verschiedene Optionen aufgezeigt und schließlich hat mich der JTL-Shop als Ergebnis überzeugt."
"Das Team von eBakery hat uns von Anfang an auf professionelle Art und Weise unterstützt. Mit unserem breit aufgestellten JTL Onlineshop, verfügen wir nun über eine optimale Ergänzung zu unserem Filialnetz und sehen uns für die Zukunft gerüstet. Insbesondere in der aktuellen Corona-Krise, können wir von der Lösung bereits erheblich profitieren."
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Reputation management represents the maintenance of a company’s reputation. So it includes all possible measures to strengthen and maintain the reputation as much as possible. This includes planning, maintenance, control and the build-up process. In particular, combating information that can cause major damage to the company’s reputation is one of the top priorities. These include, in particular, scandals and news on social networks that are harmful to the company.
Fake news is particularly dangerous. Because in our digitalized and global world, many people are constantly exchanging information on a wide variety of topics. The opinions exchanged in the process naturally have an enormous influence on the popularity and trustworthiness of various companies The principle applies: people trust people. This applies to blogs, homepages, forums, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other portals.
A company’s reputation is aimed at one thing above all: maintaining the company’s trustworthiness. In this context, the perception of other market participants towards your company is very crucial. As a rule, the evaluation of reputation is rather subjective. If your target image largely matches your actual image, you have a fairly good reputation to show for it. The extent to which they are known and accepted in your target group depends to a large extent on your reputation.
A good image will help you achieve great success in your business. Try to avoid gross errors that impact the public at all costs. These include environmental scandals, for example. Act in a way that always puts your company in a positive light in the media. Conversely, negative content, such as reports about dubious business practices, quickly lead to high losses of your reach and stand in the way of a successful sale. Thus, you need to make sure that negative messages are stopped in advance. With professional content, you have it in your hands to meet this demand. These measures act like a large-scale protective shield for your company. Because even a minimal germination of rumors can have devastating effects your company if action is delayed.
Your actions must always be carried out with sufficient expertise, uniqueness and quality considerations. Also, be sure to deal with content marketing and search engine optimization. This makes your business widely scalable.
For your content marketing strategy to succeed in reputation management, good content and meaningful placement are paramount. Be sure to go in-depth with your target audience and their needs. The contents should therefore be formulated as briefly and comprehensibly as possible. The headline should be appropriate and concise. This also includes an effective teaser.
The most important points in content marketing are:
► Marketing your new products
► Correction of fake news
► Communication with your target group
The message you want to convey should be short and to the point. Slogans such as “We are cheap” or “We are green” are very helpful. A well-thought-out content strategy is designed to achieve the best possible Google ranking. You should present your online presence in such a way that your target group has absolutely no doubts about your seriousness.
Major image damage is to be expected even with minor errors. Once a message has been published on social networks, it can spread like wildfire within a very short time. After all, digitization also plays a not inconsiderable role in this case. Extensive research is therefore unavoidable. Good reputation management is therefore, in a way, personal protection and maximizing your potential.
Not every criticism is relevant. Thus, you must check exactly what kind of criticism was made. For in addition to serious criticism, there are complaints that are intended solely to provoke. With a constructive critique, some guiding principles can be crystallized for your company. This makes it easier to be taken seriously by your target audience.
Specialists with long experience in their field can offer you a variety of professional strategies and measures to give your image a new shine. Experts are called upon to make your online presence as trustworthy and reputable as possible. Online marketing, monitoring and online PR are important tools here.
By hiring an agency, you free up a lot of time that you can invest in your core business. Other major benefits of this are an immense increase in your sales, your success as well as your unique selling proposition. This gives you a huge advantage over your competition. In order to really get off the ground with your business, hiring a reputation management agency is absolutely essential. The goal is to keep all negative factors completely in check and allow positive vacancies to grow to peak form. Since the reputation is one of the most important strengths of the company, it is necessary to preserve it as long as possible and protect it from harmful influences. At this point, agencies play just as big a role that you should definitely take advantage of.
Are you looking for an agency to perfectly expand your reputation strategies? eBakery is the right contact for you. So book a no-obligation consultation with Mohamed Ali Oukassi today.
A good reputation is the most important success factor for any company. In times of disinformation and “fake news”, untruths and rumors can also cause lasting damage to a company’s reputation. As a reputation management agency, we are your competent partner for reputation management on the Internet. In order to present your company permanently in a good light, we can ensure in a variety of ways that positive and memorable messages or announcements are published on all relevant channels.
In addition to social media activities that help to present your company in a positive light, it is usually also essential to carry out classic PR work in order to achieve the maximum effect. To do this, we can place specific content and messages on high-reach news portals and online magazines, which means that they will be noticed by a wide audience.
In addition, we can also plan larger campaigns, for example to take the wind out of the sails of a negative news story within a very short time and to direct the focus to other issues. Collaborations with bloggers or other influencers are also an effective way to focus the attention of the target group on specific topics and mitigate negative messages. Effective reputation management for companies, is becoming increasingly relevant in the age of the Internet, regardless of the size and orientation of a company. Use our experience as an online reputation agency and develop a reputation management strategy together with us that effectively prevents negative headlines. In this way, you build a large-scale protective shield for your company or brand and consistently counteract negative or even image-damaging reports.
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