Store Template

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Store Template

An online store without its own design is not only boring. Often the finished designs, or templates, are more well-intentioned than well-made. Whether you are already running a business or are in the process of building your brand, in any case, having your own store template will help you show your corporate identity to your customers. If your customers recognize your website or store, and you are trustworthy so far, customers are more inclined to buy from you.

Another advantage of a custom template is that you can lead your customers exactly where you want them to go. As an agency for all major store systems such as Gambio, JTL-Shop, Shopware and Shopify and expertise from all areas on board, we will be happy to create a suitable template for your online store based on your company design.

Create Shop Template

If you already have a template, our designers will analyze it for current standards. First of all, the template is customized to your company and adapted to the needs and expectations of your customers. The visitor should feel comfortable in your online store from the first moment, so that the chance to buy is increased. A clear design should therefore not be overloaded, but immediately give the feeling of being able to easily find your way around.

Amazon has been working for years on the strategy that customers get to the desired result after a maximum of three clicks – we could pursue the same goal in your store. If it works on Amazon, why not on your store?

A good template can also lead to better findability in search engines. So the template not only looks fancy, but also helps you achieve better rankings and thus get more customers while decreasing advertising costs

Store Template Cost

Depending on which store system you work with, the work may or may not be more extensive. In any case, we create the files of a template and edit them directly, instead of using the admin area in the store. This gives us more design options and you get a completely custom design with no subsequent costs.

With many ready-made templates, you pay license fees, often once and then again each subsequent year. This is not the case with us. There are only one-time costs, which we will gladly break down for you. When creating the template, we work closely with you and your marketing team to keep everyone up to date.

Store template from eBakery

We will be happy to work out a good template for you(let Onlineshop erstellen Agentur). If you are also active on online marketplaces and social media, we create suitable designs for these as well, so that you are recognized everywhere. 

Just contact us and we will arrange a non-binding initial meeting.

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