Web design for lawyers

Websites specially developed for lawyers

Numerous references speak for our good work in the field of web design

We have made more than 1,000 customers happier and more successful to date.

New Case:

Websites for lawyers from a professional source

Are you a lawyer looking for a professional service provider for the web design of your online presence? Then you have come to the right place. As an agency with many years of experience in web design for lawyers, we know exactly what special features websites for organizations and companies from different industries have and have already supported numerous customers in the implementation of individual web designs.
Contact us today and let our experts advise you individually.

Web design as a "business card" - the first impression counts

A professional web presence has long since become more than just a business card for lawyers, but above all an effective marketing tool for acquiring new clients.
However, the visual appearance of websites is at least as important as a business card – the content itself is not enough to be convincing.
In particular, websites whose web design is a little outdated make anything but a serious impression, no matter how trustworthy and professional the law firm may be.

In addition, good web design also includes aspects such as the user-friendliness and structure of the website.
Of course, every entrepreneur should pay attention to the web design of their website and thus convey a professional, reputable impression.
However, there are some specific features for lawyers.

What are the specific features of web design for lawyers?

The specific features that lawyers should take into account with regard to web design are basically the same as those that are of crucial importance in the legal profession and to which clients attach great importance:

  • Seriousness
  • Professionalism
  • Assertiveness

This is exactly what a good web design for lawyers should convey.
In addition, it is advisable that the web design stands out from other lawyers’ websites and is as memorable as possible, while the web design should also be based on the corporate design of the law firm.
Overall, the web design should make a clear statement and give clients a trustworthy impression.

Website realized by eBakery

Benefit from our individual support

We specialize in web design for lawyers, among other things, and offer you all services from a single source.
For more than 10 years, we have been advising clients on web presences tailored to their individual requirements and implementing them.
All in all, you benefit from

  • fast loading times
  • intuitive user guidance
  • responsive design for optimal display on all end devices
  • Legal certainty
  • appealing, professional and client-oriented web design
  • High recognition value, based on the corporate design

Web design for lawyers: Professional implementation by the experts at eBakery

First impressions last.
Make sure that potential clients looking for a lawyer on the Internet are not put off by the visual appearance of your website.
In close consultation with you, we design your web presence according to individual requirements and ensure that potential clients can get a serious impression of you and your services online.

Get in touch with us today and let our web design experts advise you.


Frankfurt on the Main
Europa-Allee 2
Frankfurt on the Main

Phone: +49 (0) 69173265820

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 18:00

Email: kontakt@eBakery.de
Web: www.eBakery.de

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