Leverage repricer for better sales and ranking

You want better sales and a better ranking? One step could be a repricer, for example the SellerLogic repricer for Amazon or the ClouSale repricer for eBay. If you want to know what exactly these repricers do, feel free to watch our video about it.

What is repricing?

As an online retailer, you certainly follow a good marketing strategy and know some additional features to be successful in the long run. Have you ever heard of repricing? In general, repricing is about price optimization. Aspects such as market observation and competition are also important. In fact, it refers to the software-supported alignment of one’s own sales prices with those of the competition. The software in question is the Repricer. Through a well thought-out repricing strategy, a price becomes optimal exactly when it brings in maximum profit. This optimal price matching will help you make sure that potential customers end up choosing your items and not ending up with the competition.

Why is a repricer important?

There is now a separate repricer for almost every sales platform. At Amazon, for example, there are Sellerlogic and Logicsale. On eBay, the repricer Clousale is known. The marketplace real.de has its own repricer. But there are not only repricers for marketplaces, even store systems have some. Wondering why repricers have become so important in today’s online commerce? Think about your article. How many competitors offer similar products? If you then sell additionally on a platform like eBay, it is extremely important to use the given range cleverly and to stand out from the competition. If your competitors offer similar products at a lower price, it will be difficult for a customer to choose you as a retailer.

Keeping track with a repricer

Perhaps you have already noticed yourself when selling on a large marketplace that fewer and fewer sales are being made. In such a case, it definitely makes sense to help out a bit with a repricer. This is because it provides a clear overview of your item prices, as well as those of your competitors. In this way, it can be precisely analyzed whether an item was too expensive and perhaps that is why it has not yet been sold. It can then be adjusted to increase the chance of a sale. So a repricer helps you keep track of pricing and also compares the competition at the same time.

Better sales through a repricer

Especially on Amazon, existing empirical data shows that merchants were able to achieve better sales and ranking after using a repricer. In any case, competitiveness on marketplaces is an important aspect that you can use for your economic success. Even if you use your own online store or various price search engines, such as idealo, a repricer is worthwhile. If you pay for the clicks and ultimately no purchase is made because your article is listed too expensively, this will have a negative effect on your budget over time. If you want to be successful, especially in the long term, such a case should definitely be avoided. And a repricer allows you to avoid something like that and increases your chances of making more sales.

You want to achieve better sales?

Thanks to the use of a repricer, you can increase your sales in the long run and achieve a better ranking. Do you need support or want professional advice? You are welcome to contact us for this, we will take care of your request.

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