Convert speech to text

With this free AI tool

We show you how you can convert speech to text for free. This means that you can, for example simply upload your YouTube video to the AI tool and receive the text afterwards. You can now use this for further SEO measures. We’ll show you how to do this here.

Download any YouTube video

For once, we’re not starting in our tools today, but on YouTube, as we’re using one of our videos as a basis. To generate the link for this video, click on the three dots -> Share and then copy the link.
We can now download our video or convert it directly into an audio file. I personally use the 4K Video Downloader for this. Simply click on cmd + v and the link will be inserted. We then have the option of selecting “Extract audio” instead of “Download video”.
We will now receive an MP3 file with which we can continue.

Convert speech to text - this tool makes it possible

Our speech-to-text tool is located directly below the AI VoiceOver tools we are already familiar with. First of all, the prerequisites. You can upload audio files up to 25Mb. So check beforehand that the data volume is not exceeded. If this is the case, you can use compression tools such as Handbreak can help. The formats shown here are supported. So classic audio files such as MP3 or WAV are of course included. In principle, all you have to do now is click on “Browse” and select your desired file. Then click on “Transcribe” and wait briefly. The transcribed text will be displayed. But what are the other fields used for?

Convert speech to text - The advanced settings

If the text is not as clear to understand as ours, you can help the AI to achieve better results.
You can e.g. describe what the recording is about. It can also help to select the spoken language. The other two parameters can be left out. But what do we do with the text now?
You now have several options for saving it or editing it further. To save this, you can either copy the text and paste it into a document yourself or you can save the project and access it in your documents folder. Or you can export the transcript as a text document or Word file.

Have a text script rewritten

But what else would make sense is to copy the text and simply have it rewritten so that you can use it in a modified form as a blog article. This is what our ReWriter tool is for. You insert the target text and click on “Rewrite” if you just want to paraphrase the text. However, if you want to change the tone of voice, you can change it here in advance. Exactly the same applies to the perspective. Should it be spoken from the first, second or third person?
To demonstrate this better, let’s go through it in one sentence. Our initial form is the “your” form of address, i.e. 2nd person plural.

Change your perspective with our ReWriter tool

If we now select the first person and click on “Rewrite”, the text is written from the first-person perspective.
If we choose the second person, we use the “Sie” form, i.e. the second person with the polite form.
The third person makes no sense here, as it is written from the “he/she/it” perspective.
But what if we want the text to be formulated in the 2nd person, but without the polite form? Then we first do everything as usual and then use the AI Assistant to indicate that you should write in the “you” form. And the text is already adapted.

What are the advantages of video blogs?

You should now have all the tools you need to transcribe your YouTube videos and publish them in a new form as blog articles. But why does this make sense from an SEO perspective?
This gives you the opportunity to rank on Google through two different sources, namely YouTube and your own website.
This has the advantage that you can strengthen your website, but Google also favors pages with videos. Furthermore, site visitors can choose whether they prefer to read the article or watch it as a video. You are also targeting something different with each source. Within the SERPs – Google’s search results pages – there are two different types of snippet.

Convert speech to text - The two snippet types

Simply enter a keyword for which you are convinced that there are many video posts. We’ll just use “GTA 5”. You can see that the first snippets are as usual – meta title, meta description, URL, favicon, etc. But if you scroll down a little further, you’ll see this video jumble. Here you will mostly only find YouTube videos. Because YouTube is part of Google, but it is also simply the most used video platform. This means you have the possibility to rank as a normal snippet with your blog, but also to get into the video carousel with your YouTube video.

AI agency eBakery

If you have any further questions, please take a look at our SEO playlist here on YouTube, leave a comment or make an appointment with our experts. We are happy to help you both as a Google SEO agency and as an AI agency.

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