Focus in e-commerce

Why more is not always better!

Set the right focus in e-commerce, because more is not always better.
That’s the topic of today’s episode: “They Not Like Us” with Ali and Argin.
Here you can find out why the motto – the more you use, the better – is not true in both e-commerce and social media.
How many channels should you use at the same time?
We have the answer.

Focus in e-commerce - less is more

In e-commerce, it is crucial to set the right focus.
Many online retailers try to be present on many marketplaces or many social media channels at the same time, which often leads to being overwhelmed.
In this blog article, we will explore why it is important to focus on the right channels and how the Pareto principle can help.

Correct allocation of resources

A common problem in e-commerce is the distribution of resources across too many sales channels.
Retailers often have their own online store as well as several marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay and many others.
This wide distribution means that quality suffers and retailers cannot perform equally well everywhere.
If an online retailer offers its products on different platforms, it is crucial to design the content individually for each platform.
Often, however, the same content is simply copied and published everywhere, which doesn’t work.
The result is insufficient sales and dissatisfied customers.

Save time with content recycling

Exactly the same applies to the social media strategy.
At the beginning, you should find out for yourself which channel is the strongest in order to align your content creation accordingly. This can be e.g. be YouTube.
You can find out how you can still use this one Content Peace to play all other channels in a time-efficient manner in our episode on content recycling.

The Pareto principle

The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that 80% of the result comes from 20% of the causes.
In e-commerce, this means that 20% of products or sales channels generate 80% of sales.
Retailers should focus on identifying and optimizing these 20 %.

  • Identify the most profitable products
  • Focus on the strongest sales channels
  • Optimize content for every platform
  • Avoid duplicate content
  • Improve the user experience

Focus in e-commerce - align it with sales

The motto “less is more” is particularly true in e-commerce.
Retailers should focus on the platforms that actually generate sales.
This means that you don’t have to serve every marketplace, but rather select the channels that suit your own business.
By concentrating on fewer platforms, you can use resources more efficiently and increase the quality of content.
This not only leads to better sales figures, but also to a stronger brand presence.

Why you should NOT rely on all channels

When it comes to social media, you often see the same problem.
Many companies try to be active on all platforms at the same time.
It is important to look at each channel individually and adapt the strategy accordingly.
Instagram, for example, works very differently to Pinterest.
The content must be tailored to the respective target group and platform.
Retailers should focus on analyzing their target group and creating suitable content.

Focus in e-commerce - the target group

The target group is at the heart of every marketing strategy.
Before you create content, you should analyze your target group in detail.
Which platforms do they use?
What type of content appeals to them?
These questions need to be answered in order to be successful.
It is important that the content is target group-oriented.
A post that is successful on Facebook may be completely out of place on Instagram or TikTok.
Retailers need to understand that each platform has its own dynamic.

Why Facebook groups are an insider tip

Facebook is often seen as outdated, but the platform has a lot of potential, especially in groups.
Retailers should be active in specialist groups and showcase their expertise there.
Many customers search for solutions in groups and are willing to make use of services.

  • Be active in Facebook groups
  • Share your expertise
  • Respond quickly to requests
  • Build a good reputation

Decreasing attention span

The attention span of users is getting shorter and shorter.
Studies show that the time it takes someone to decide whether they want to interact with a piece of content is less than a second.
This requires high quality and relevant content to keep users interested.
Retailers need to learn how to make their content appealing.
The first few seconds are crucial to captivate users.
If this is not successful, most will simply scroll on.

Focus in e-commerce - automation through AI

Automation can be of great benefit in e-commerce.
With tools such as web scrapers, data from suppliers can be imported efficiently and integrated into merchandise management.
This saves time and resources.
However, it is important to use automation consciously.
An inflationary use of AI can lead to inferior content.
Retailers should make sure that the content still has a human touch.

Using AI cleverly

AI can be a valuable aid if it is used correctly.
It should not be used as a substitute for creative processes, but as a support.
Retailers should always ensure that the quality of the content does not suffer.
The AIBakery tools, with which you can generate text, voice and images, are a helpful point of contact.

  • Use AI for support, not as a replacement
  • Avoid inflationary use of AI
  • Keep an eye on the quality of the content

Focus in e-commerce - Summary

In e-commerce, it is essential to set the right focus.
Retailers should concentrate on the channels that actually generate sales and tailor their content to the target group.
The Pareto principle can help to set the right priorities.
By optimizing their social media strategy and making conscious use of automation, retailers can increase their efficiency and ensure long-term success.
Remember: less is often more.
If you need help developing your strategy, we at eBakery will be happy to help you as a social media agency.

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