Register OnlyFans account

Register as a Creator with OnlyFans and verify age

How you can register your OnlyFans account, sign up as a Creator at OnlyFans and verify your age, we explain in this OnlyFans tutorial. This way you won’t forget anything during the OnlyFans registration process and you will be registered and verified quickly and easily.

Register OnlyFans Account - This is how it works

In this episode, we take a look at one particular social medium whose user numbers, but also creator numbers, are growing rapidly. We are talking about OnlyFans. Therefore, in this article we will demonstrate how you can register as both a user and a creator. If you don’t know what to do with it, we recommend you to watch our previous videos, in which we explained the basics of OnlyFans, as well as tips and tricks on how to make money here.

The age limit

But now back to the registration process. The absolute requirement to register here is to be 18 years old. If you are younger, you would violate the terms and conditions when you sign up. So then refrain from doing that. On you will be taken directly to the login area. But we want to register first, so we click on “Sign up for OnlyFans”. Now you have the possibility to log in directly with your existing Google or Twitter account or to create a completely new account. We decide for the latter and enter a name, a valid e-mail address and a possible secure password for it. Afterwards you have to validate your e-mail address and you are already registered. At least as a user.

Register OnlyFans account - These documents you can use as proof

The proof of age is done for Creator via the item “Add card”. You will then need to scan the QR code with your phone and go through the age verification process. First of all, the minimum requirement for your profile is that a profile picture with a face, a cover picture with at least the body, and an individual username have been set. Then we can start the age verification. You can use your driver’s license, your ID card or your passport. After you have entered your personal data, you upload a picture showing the ID document and your face, as well as a photo of the ID itself. This data is then manually checked by OnlyFans staff afterwards.

OnlyFans account registration - you decide how much you earn

The whole process can take up to 72 hours in the regular procedure. If the verification has been confirmed by OnlyFans, you can now deposit your bank account and also use all possible options on the platform. For example. then possible to define your subscription price, i.e. how much someone has to pay monthly to see your content. By the way, you do this in the settings for “Subscription Price and Bundle”. Furthermore, you can see that you have e.g. Free Trial links or define discounts in the form of bundles. So that someone pays less if he subscribes directly 3 months.

Social media agency eBakery

You have already assigned a username for your profile, which will also influence your account URL. Then you can assign a display name, the one that will be displayed in the profile. You should share your concept in short sentences in your bio so that new potential subscribers know what to expect. You can add your collection link for stores or your social media, specify your location, as well as add an Amazon Wishlist link. If that didn’t work out or you’d rather just focus on content creation, we at eBakery are happy to support you as a social media agency. Make an appointment directly.

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