Shopify Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO measures for better rankings

Shopify off-page SEO measures we will take a closer look at in this blog article. How you can achieve better rankings with a backlink strategy and what other options there are, you can find out here.

Shopify Off-Page SEO - Better Rankings for the Online Shop

In this article, we pick up where one of our most successful tutorials left off, which was about Shopify SEO. Since that resonated with you, in today’s episode we focus on the off-page SEO measures available to you to increase your reach and thus boost your sales. If you haven’t seen the previous Shopify SEO video, it’s linked here.

On-page vs. off-page SEO

First of all, what is the difference between on-page and off-page SEO. As the name suggests, on-page optimization takes place on the page itself – in your case, in your online store. Starting from the product titles and product descriptions, which should contain the appropriate keywords, to compressed images to keep the pagespeed high, to H1, H2 and H3 headings, the assignment of the correct file name of images and so on. We had already addressed that. But you will get even more trust from Google if, for example. external sites write about you and give you backlinks. This brings us to our first measure – the backlink strategy. In German this is also called “Rückverweis” and is used in the popular search engines to determine the measure of link popularity or relevance of a website.

Shopify Off-Page SEO - What does "nofollow" mean?

But not all backlinks are the same. If you are linked to a popular site that has existed for a long time and has a lot of trust with Google and Co. itself, this is clearly more valuable than a blog that has only existed for a short time and still has little content to offer. This means that relevance of the page, authority, traffic of the page and the placement of your link on the page itself play an important role. Likewise, it plays a big role whether the page operator sets the link to “follow” or “nofollow”. This influences the so-called linkjuice, as for example. the Google bot would not follow this backlink when crawling if the link had been set to “unfollow”. But then why does this unfollow attribute exist at all. In practice, for example used when you link to a page that doesn’t quite fit thematically with your content, but you see an added value for the reader in it. In the same way, it can be applied to sites that are less trustworthy because there is little content so far. So, backlinks are one of the most important and effective measures to increase your rankings.

Shopify Off-Page SEO Measure #2 - Social Signals

Another measure that is controversially discussed in SEO Frankfurt circles is the social signals. So shares, likes and comments on the social media platforms. However, social signals must be viewed in a differentiated manner. On the one hand technical, on the other hand practical. Technically speaking, there are experts who believe that social signals are very much directly related to search engine rankings. So that many likes, shares and comments have a direct impact on it. Whether or not is a matter of debate. The other, practical aspect is that social signals are seen as a trust-building measure. So if interaction takes place on a channel or account and this accordingly has a high number of subscribers, this speaks for a certain relevance and you are taken more seriously as a company. In any case, in 2022, it’s safe to say that anyone who doesn’t harness the power of social media as a business is giving away potential. Yes, it is not a short-term SEO measure, but on the one hand takes time, but also needs time in the long run, until this Maßnahem amortizes. However, since we believe that it is worth it in most cases, our recommended off-page SEO measure number 2 is to focus on social signals. If you would like more detailed advice on this, please feel free to contact our social media experts.

Rating marketing for Shopify

That is from these two off-page SEO measures some starting points emerge. This is how content marketing can be done to generate social signals. But other measures could include podcasts in which you make a guest appearance or which you run yourself. As a third off-page SEO measure, which I would somewhat encapsulate from this, is rating marketing. For this purpose, we had already presented Shopify apps specifically for this purpose, which favor this. An app that allows you to embed Google reviews in your Shopify store is “Google Reviews”. This virtually combines on-page and off-page SEO. To get more Google reviews, you can put a direct link in your store, you can refer to it in your newsletter or you can send a reminder by mail after a successful sale. But why should you do this at all?
This combines measure 1 and 2: You benefit your ranking by more reviews, but you also create trust. That’s why it makes sense to encourage your customers to do so.

Shopify agency eBakery

These were our top 3 off-page SEO measures for Shopify. Of course, these can also be applied to other store systems. If you’ve had experience with any others, let us know in the comments. If you need an online marketing, social media agency or Shopify agency, eBakery as a holistic eCommerce agency can help. Feel free to make an appointment directly.

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