Suno vs. Udio

Music AI platforms in comparison

We compare Suno vs Udio. These two music AI platforms have turned the music industry on its head. That’s why we take a look at both AI music generators, identify the pros and cons and go through a practical example of how music AIs can be used in eCommerce.

Artificial intelligence on the rise

AI is gradually taking over more and more areas of digital life – both private and business. Starting with textual tasks, such as the creation of a newsletter, social media texts, video scripts through to the creation of images for the online store, thumbnails etc.. But now we have reached a new level – the creation of AI music. In this article, we will therefore take a closer look at the two market leaders Suno and Udio, compare them with each other and analyze which of the two is suitable for online trading.

Suno vs. Udio - The surface

You can access both websites via and – so you don’t have to download any program. the first thing we notice is the beta addition at Udio. In fact, Suno was the pioneer and was the first music AI to cause a stir. If we first compare the surface with each other, we can see that both have a similar structure. Songs that have already been created are displayed in the home area and categorized according to various criteria. Current trending songs, top categories, playlists and a section for new songs.

Only Udio can do that

However, I only found one thing on Udio – a search mask. For example, do you want to only display German songs in Suno, there is no option for this. On Udio, on the other hand, you can simply enter “German” at the bottom of the search field and only German songs will be displayed. What is the same for both is the typical rating system. You can give published songs a Like, see how many views have been achieved and when this was created. The only difference is that you can also give Suno dislikes.

Suno vs. Udio - The Create area

The second area is the Create area, where you can create your songs using the prompt. With Suno this is a separate menu in the navigation, with Udio the area is integrated directly into the Home or Discover area. Finally, there is a library area, i.e. an administration level where you can view, play and edit your songs. What both platforms also offer is the reuse or remix feature. If you click on a song that someone else has created, you will first see the prompt. If you click on Reuse at Suno, you can use this song construct and change or expand it; at Udio it is the Remix button, here you can use the variance slider to determine the degree to which the song should be changed, you can also adjust the lyrics here and then click on Remix.

Suno vs. Udio - Create a song with Suno

But let’s first take a look at how a song can be created and start with the pioneer Suno. You basically have the option of giving the song creation completely into the hands of the AI, which would deactivate the custom mode. However, if you want to integrate your own lyrics, you can do so by activating them. However, if you only want to create background music for your product videos, i.e. an instrumental, you can change this with this switch. But we deactivate the custom mode and would then simply describe the song that we have in our head. It is best to name a genre here, i.e. pop, electro, hip hop, trap, rock and, if lyrics are to be included, what the theme should be.

Suno vs. Udio - Create a song with Suno

In principle, it works the same way with Udio. Click on the bar at the top of the Discover area and you can also choose your own lyrics, an instrumental or auto lyrics. If you don’t have any ideas, you can also use the suggested tags. We have already tested this in advance on both platforms and used the following prompt:

“a hip hop song about an eCommerce Agency called “eBakery”

I’ll show you the result now. First Suno.
Don’t be surprised by the “I eat the meat” line, you’ll find out what it’s all about in a moment. Now let’s listen to the Udio result.

Suno vs. Udio - Technical differences

As you can see, if you give the AI a lot of freedom, the results will vary. In song 1 a male singer, in song 2 a female singer. What you can basically say, however, is that the sound quality is impressive. So we are now at a level with both AIs that is really usable, you can say that at this point. But let’s find out how the two results differ technically by downloading both songs. If we now open both in Quicktime and read out the information, it becomes clear that the Udio song has a higher bit rate. Both are in stereo, but Suno’s is only 192 Kb, whereas Udio’s is 320 Kb – so on paper it’s higher quality.

Making manual adjustments with Suno

But what if the text is okay, but you want to change it? With Suno, simply click on “Reuse Prompt” and you can change the text here. You could also have the text interpreted in a completely different genre. Now you know where the “I eat the meat” line comes from. If we take a look at the lyrics of the first song, we see these lyrics in the chorus. If we then take another look at the second song, it’s exactly the same lyrics, just with another line added. I did this with the Reuse Prompt feature. If, on the other hand, you simply want to extend the song, you can enter the time after which the new part should be created here. For example, if you have If you want to create a completely new verse, you would have to put “Verse 3” in square brackets and insert your desired text.

Make manual adjustments with Udio

At Udio, this is divided into two areas. You will probably have noticed that the Udio song is only 32 seconds long. This is because only the main section is ever created, you can now use “Extend” to add an intro, a section before or after the main section and an outro, thus extending your song to 2 minutes. If you want to customize the lyrics, click on “Remix”. Here you can change the lyrics and then click on “Remix”.

Suno vs. Udio - The library area

Your created songs will then be listed in the Library section of Suno and in the My Creations section of Udio. As you have seen, you can download them from here and use them for your projects. But be careful – read the “Terms of Use” beforehand. You can find these in the Suno help section under “Billing”. Here you can find everything about copyright and commercial use. Udio’s Terms of Use can be accessed here in the burger menu. As we are not allowed to give legal advice at this point and will not do so here, please read the regulations for yourself.

Suno vs. Udio - The costs

Speaking of billing. Although both platforms can be used free of charge, they are limited. At Suno you can create 10 songs a day. However, make sure that 2 songs are always created automatically for each prompt. That would be 5 prompts a day. You could create more songs per day with the Pro and Premier plan. They also offer other optimizations, such as more simultaneously running processes. With Udio you also have 2 plans, but you also have the option to purchase additional credits independently of the plan.

An interim conclusion

So here is a brief summary. Both music AIs produce high-quality results in a short time without the need for prior knowledge. On both platforms, you can make your own manual changes to the genre, the length of the song and the lyrics. Suno delivers MP3 files with a bit rate of 192KB, but generates the songs much faster. Udio delivers 320KB MP3 files, but is still in the beta phase and works more slowly. What delivers better results for you is ultimately a matter of taste. So it’s best to test it out

Suno vs. Udio - The prompt

But what you can basically say is the following:
As in our AI Image Tool video, which we have linked again as an info card, the best results are achieved when you give the AI as little freedom as possible. In the case of image prompts, this means describing exactly what is to be seen, specifying the style, defining the lighting conditions, describing the color scheme precisely and determining the composition. For the music AI, the genre should be specified, should it be a male or female singer, what should be the theme of the song and what is the mood of the song. One way to influence the lyrics yourself is to use our free AI lyrics tool. Our tools are linked in the video description. Here you can define the topic as well as integrate special keywords that should appear in the song text. If you would like to provide concrete specifications, you can use our AI Assistant to enter specific prompts.

Suno vs. Udio - AI music in eCommerce

But how can both tools be used specifically for eCommerce?
As a concrete practical example, let’s create some background music for our advertising film.
I would first look for inspiration in the standard stock libraries. Ex. Artlist or Envato Elements.
You can do this completely free of charge. To do this, go to and you will be shown the English page, which will give you an immediate advantage. To do this, go to “Music” and enter e.g. “Background Commercial”. Pick a song that would fit. Then click on it and take a look at the tags. Copy the most relevant tags, such as: corporate, energetic, inspiration, upbeat, guitar, motivation, pop, background. And creates a prompt from it.

A practical example for online retail

Ours is as follows. We now let both AIs work with it. Here you can see once again in comparison that Suno works much faster. Let’s listen to the results, Suno first. And now Udio. You can already see from the tags that Udio has probably paid more attention to the front part of the prompt than the back. Apparently the AI has interpreted “Music with guitar” with rock music. However, we wanted to have more pop music. Unfortunately I can’t show you the original piece from Envato, but the Suno result is much closer.

Suno vs. Udio - Conclusion

So what can we say in conclusion? Both AIs are definitely competitive. Some features are better on Udio, such as the bit rate, the voices often sound clearer and the “Extend” feature is also more sophisticated and clearer. Nevertheless, the tool is still in the beta phase. In our practical example, Suno simply delivered the better results, was also faster and is the music AI platform that established itself first. But music is always a matter of taste, so try both for yourself and make your own judgment. I hope we have been able to provide some clarity with this video. If so, please honor this with a like and subscription. We will keep you up to date with AI technology. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments below the video. Otherwise, as an AI agency, we will also be happy to help you personally to get your online store ready for the new age. Make an appointment directly here

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