Create AI images for FREE

The Ultimate AI Images Tool

This video shows you how you can create AI images for free. But we don’t just show you our ultimate AI image tool, we also explain how to write a perfect prompt. So watch until the end to make sure you don’t miss it.

Create AI images for FREE - The right size

Once you have logged in, you can already see all the available tools in the left-hand column, such as the AI images tool
The engine behind our tool is Dalle 3, which allows you to create even more realistic and higher quality images. Provided you know how to use it. Because whether your picture looks like this or that in the end depends on many factors. The prompt entered is only one factor. So let’s take a look at which parameters are available in addition to the text input. The most important setting is probably the size. You can choose between square, portrait and landscape in our tool. You would need square for your Instagram feed, i.e. 1024 x 1024. Portrait would then be 1024 x 1792. You need this format for Instagram Stories, TikTok videos, etc. The landscape format is suitable for YouTube videos as you are watching them right now – i.e. 1792 x 1024.

What is the picture style?

The second most important parameter is the general image style. You can specify here whether you want your image to look realistic, in which case the Realism, Photography, Analog Film or Filmic style would be suitable. If you want the image to look more abstract and fictional, then Pixel Art, Sticker or Pencil Drawing are suitable. The lighting style ultimately gives the picture the right mood. Should the AI photo have been taken at golden hour, i.e. with a sunset? Or should there be fog at that time? Let’s do the test and enter any prompt. For example: “A man stands with his back to the camera in a lonely field.” The image style is “Photographic” for both, but we change the lighting style. You can see that one image has a more positive, melancholy feel, whereas the foggy image is more threatening. So before you enter the prompt, make sure you know what mood you want your image to evoke in the viewer.

Create AI images for FREE - Realistic or fictitious images?

The next setting option should only be changed if the images are fictitious. This specifies the medium – either the background or what the picture was painted on. This is of course not the case with AI photography.
In addition to the lighting style, you can also specify the mood. Let’s try out what the AI does when we use two opposing values, i.e. “golden hour” and “aggressive”. As you can see, here, for example. the image is simply somewhat desaturated, the person’s posture is more charged. This means that the pre-selection of these parameters is super important to ensure that you end up with the image you envision. The last setting window should also only be used if it is a drawing, as it can be used to imitate an artist’s style.

Emulate the style of an artist

This would only make sense if, for example. original works such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in the same style, only modified. Then the prompt would be “The Mona Lisa as a man”. This brings us to our last and probably most important parameter, the prompt.
You then use the prompt to describe exactly what you want to see in the picture. The shorter, the more sources of error can be integrated, such as the second hand here, which makes no sense at all at this point. But how should a picture prompt be structured?

Create AI images for FREE - This is what a prompt is made of

This is where we start with the theory, which is why you should take notes. A prompt is generally made up of the following categories.

1. the type of presentation
2. the content
3. the art style
4. the resolution
5. the composition
6. the aesthetics
7. the color scheme

Which parameters are relevant for you?

What we can leave out for now are the numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6, as these are already covered by the default settings we have just gone through. The content then means what can be seen in the picture, i.e. a dog, a man, a couple, a car. The composition means how things are arranged in relation to each other and how the camera perspective is. Is it a long shot or rather a close-up or ultra-close-up? This will definitely be the case. And last but not least the coloring, should the picture be black and white? Or rather a teal and orange look? Or monochrome? That will definitely happen with our number 7.

We write the perfect prompt

Of course, you could also disregard the optional parameters on the right and simply build your prompt according to these 7 categories. Let’s give it a try. As an art, we want to have a realistic photo and also choose an artist style that appears very realistic. To get some inspiration, you can visit the website: “”. We like Akos Major, so we write “realistic photo in the style of Akos Major showing a woman” The style is “ultra-realistic” and is supposed to be a “close-up”. For inspiration on aesthetic styles, we recommend the website
Here you have countless style types to choose from. In our case, simply “Dark Fantasy”.
We call the color scheme “Vibrant Color”. This results in the following prompt, which looks like this.
For example, if we were to use Instead of Vibrant Colors, enter black and white, the AI would also take this into account.

Create AI images for FREE - Summary

In the end, this means that you can use the AI completely freely and freely determine all 7 parameters or simply write the content, composition and coloring as a prompt and either leave all other parameters to the AI or select them in our right sidebar. All generated images will then also be displayed again in your documents under “All images” and can also be easily downloaded there using this download symbol.

AI agency eBakery

If there are any questions about this, leave them in the comments. Otherwise, please make an appointment directly here if you are interested. We are happy to help you as an AI agency.

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