Open an online store

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when it comes to opening
an online store

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Open a professional online store

Setting up an online store is the basis for numerous business ideas, be it the sale of goods or the provision of services.
Online retail has been recording rising sales for years and also promises good growth opportunities in the future.
But what do you need to open an online store and what steps do you need to take?

Find the right store system

The choice of a suitable store system is of great importance, as the software solutions from the various providers sometimes differ greatly from one another.
Depending on the focus and objectives, a whole range of factors need to be considered, such as user-friendliness, the maximum number of products to be offered, simple and uncomplicated ordering processes or whether interfaces to other systems (accounting, ERP) are available.
Other factors, such as multilingualism or the available payment and shipping service providers, can also play a role in the selection of a suitable store system.

Our experts are familiar with all established store systems and our agency is experienced in the use of Shopware, Shopify, Gambio and JTL Shop.
Taking your individual requirements and goals into account, we will find a store system that is optimally tailored to them.

Configure and set up store

As soon as a suitable store system has been selected, it must be configured and set up.
To do this, the software must be uploaded to a web server and installed.
After the installation, which may take some time, the next step is to set up the store, whereby (depending on the size of the store) numerous entries must be made and settings adjusted.
These include delivery options and times, access data for payment and shipping service providers, legal aspects and encryption.
Last but not least, all products or services, including high-quality product images and product descriptions, must also be entered.

If you need help setting up your online store or with individual steps, our experts can offer you competent support.

Customize store design

The design of an online store can have a major influence on its success.
First of all, the visual appearance of the store should be geared towards the respective target group, but it is also advisable to observe a few principles.
These include, above all, that the visual appearance of the company or brand, the so-called corporate design, is also reflected in the design of the store.
Last but not least, personal ideas about the visual appearance of the store should also be taken into account in the web design.

Our graphic and web designers create your online store in close consultation with you and ensure a customized screen design that will impress you and future store visitors.

Marketing for your online store opening

The best online store in the world makes little sense if there are no visitors.
If you are not already a well-known company or a major brand, you must first ensure that potential store visitors can find the store.
As many users initially search for products or services on Google and the like, search engine optimization (SEO) is the right solution here.
Various measures such as keyword optimization, link building, content creation and technical measures can be used to ensure that an online store ranks among the first results on Google and other search engines when users search for corresponding products.

In addition, supplementary marketing measures, such as social media marketing, can be used to attract more potential customers to the store.
Our marketing professionals will also be happy to support you here.

Open an online store with eBakery

Marketplace connections

Connecting to external marketplaces such as Amazon and Co. makes sense in many cases and more and more online retailers have started to be represented on corresponding platforms.
The keyword here is multichannel strategy, an approach in which products are sold on several sales channels.
In this way, you can reach a much larger target audience all over the world with very little effort.
Once the store is connected to the marketplace, all processes continue to run via the store.

Whether such a strategy is worthwhile in individual cases and which marketplaces are best suited to your own goals always depends on the focus and target group.
Our marketplace experts can advise you on appropriate strategies.

Connecting merchandise management

Although small online stores with a small product range generally do not need an inventory management system, it can still be worthwhile for such stores to be on the right side as sales grow.
An inventory management system is a special type of software that records and processes all data relevant to the inventory and the associated processes.
This ensures that products are always available in the right quantities and that there are no supply bottlenecks.

If you have any questions about merchandise management systems, we will be happy to advise you on suitable solutions.


Frankfurt on the Main
Europa-Allee 2
Frankfurt on the Main

Phone: +49 (0) 69173265820

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 18:00


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