Free AI voiceover tool

Text-to-speech tool creates your voiceover

With the free AI Voiceover Tool, your text can be converted into voice audio in seconds. The text-to-speech tool includes various speakers, you can choose any language and it’s all free. In this video, we show you how to use the tool.

Free AI voiceover tool - how it works

You can register for our free AI tools in just a few minutes. It should then look like this for you. In the left-hand column, go to AI voiceover and text to speech. You can select your desired language first. This means that you could also use all other languages, e.g. to create your own. to have your promotional videos dubbed internationally. We’ll leave it in German for now. Secondly, we choose our spokesperson. So that you don’t have to try out each one to find the right one, the names are followed by articulations. Are you looking for a young voice or an older one? Should they whisper, speak more emotionally or more neutrally.
We choose Liam for this video. You can then enter your project name. You’ll see what this is good for in a moment. Now we enter our text. Let’s take our website text as an example.

This is what the text blocks are for

Enter the first sentences. Of course, you could also simply put your entire text into a text block, but the longer you play it, the longer you have to check it. Another reason why you should create a new text block is to change the voice. For example, if you want to have the same text spoken by several speakers, proceed as follows. You copy the text and then select a new speaker beforehand and only click on “Add new text block” afterwards. You will then see that there is a different profile picture behind the line. You now have two options to listen to the previous text. Either you click on “Listen”, in which case the entire text will be played back, or you click on the “Listen to text” symbol behind the line, in which case only the respective line will be played back. You can then delete this line with the trash can symbol. We stay with Liam as the speaker and add a text block with the rest of the text behind him.

Free AI Voiceover Tool - Two download options

If we now want to use the audio file for our projects, we again have two options for downloading the file. Either the quick version – then we click on “Listen” and then have a “Download” symbol here in the audio player. Or the longer-term variant, if we want to work on the project again at a later date, then we can synthesize the tracks. They will be included in our documents, as you can see below. You will then find this file in the documents under “All voiceovers”. Here it also becomes clear what the title was good for. This allows you to assign this audio file. You can download the file here at any time in the future, but you can view all the details of this project again. If you want to remove it, you can also delete it permanently using the trash can icon. As I said, the whole thing is completely free of charge for you, the only thing you need to do is watch our Master Update video.

AI agency eBakery

I hope we were able to give you a little insight into how to use our tools and how you can integrate them into your everyday online retailer life. If there are any questions about this, leave them in the comments. Otherwise, please make an appointment directly here if you are interested. We are happy to help you as an AI agency.

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