Let the AI write blog articles

Free AI blog tools for online retailers

Let the AI write your blog articles – Our AI tool tutorial will tell you how to do that. To be precise, it is about the free AI blog tools for online merchants. How they work and where you can find them, you will learn in the video.

Free AI tools for online commerce

We are moving forward with our free AI tools. If you’re just now becoming aware of them, feel free to check out our matching playlist in advance. There we are for example already gone through our image generation tool, our speech-to-text tool, and a few of our AI text tools. That’s where we come in and show you how to automatically write a blog article, get topic ideas and have it translated into multiple languages in seconds.

Let the AI write blog articles - Here's how it works

You can find our tools as usual at www.ebakery.de/ki-tools. There, if you are logged in, you will also find our text tools in the left column. We scroll down a bit and see the 6 blog tools. These are structured in such a way that you can use them to create a complete blog article, but you can also use them for example to create a blog post. only for brainstorming, creating an introduction, an outro or only certain sections. We will now go through this one by one and relate it to the online trade for you. Accordingly, our matching keyword for the idea finder is also “online trade”. To get German results, select German and then click “create”. By the way, you can play with the creativity level again for this tool to give the AI more freedom. We’ll compare that right now. This is what the results look like when the level is set to “Optimal”. Of those 10 options, let’s make a note of one and go back.

What is the creativity level?

If we now select Maximum as the creativity level and let the AI work again, we see, well, that different results are the consequence, but they do not differ that much. Therefore, changing the advanced settings can be useful for some tools, but for others it makes little difference, such as here. If we now have a concrete idea, we could, for example. proceed like this. We enter this topic into Google, look at the best results and copy the text we like best. Now we use one of our tools that we had already presented – the keyword generator. Paste the text here and let us filter out the most relevant keywords. Copy them into a separate text document and go back to the AI text tools. Now you can create your own blog article with the title that the idea generator spit out and the keywords that we had filtered out by the keyword generator. In the “Sections” field you have to specify how many sections should be generated. And already you will be written a blog article on this topic.

Let the AI write blog articles - Alternative Outro

If you like the outro, e.g. be too short, you can do the following. Copies a part of the text, pastes it into the outro generator incl. Title of the blog article and you have an alternative outro. So you can then also e.g. proceed for the subsection. Let’s take a section out of our blog article and paste the headline into our section generator. So you can now do this piece by piece for each section and thus extend the blog article. If this section is still too short, you can go to the advanced settings and specify a maximum word count. So you can put together any part of the blog as you like, from the idea to the introduction, outline, individual sections, to the conclusion. When you have finished all this, you can have the text randomized again, i.e. rewritten.

Legal notice

Nevertheless, even with this in the aftermath possible copyright infringement itself must be checked. Since we cannot control what you use these texts for. Therefore at this point the hint. If you want to publish the article in multiple languages, you can also use our AI translator. Simply copy and paste the text, select the desired language and you can use it. available in English. However, attentive viewers will have noticed that there is still one tool missing from the Text AI Tools section. Our rating generator. Often satisfied customers agree to leave a review, but have little time to think of something to do so or little experience with it. This is where our rating generator comes into play. You enter a product or service and can then specify to the rating generator what should be included in the rating. Now you can present it to the customer and ask if he or she will go with this dachor.

ChatGPT Agency

With this, we have completed the first block of our text AI tools. If there are any specific questions, please leave them in the comments. Otherwise, feel free to contact our AI specialists directly. Make an appointment directly here.

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