Sell products on TikTok

5 tips you should keep in mind

What do you need to consider if you want to sell products successfully on TikTok? In this TikTok Shop tutorial we show you a TikTok Shop analysis tool and give you 5 tips on what you should consider before starting in Germany.

When will TikTok Shop be available in Germany?

Unofficial rumors are getting louder and louder that the TikTok Shop function will also be available in Germany from autumn. That’s why we took a look in advance at the current conditions in the USA, what you should bear in mind when choosing products and which strategies have been successful so far. I’ll show you all that here.

Sell products on TikTok - Why sell on TikTok?

Why should you even consider selling on TikTok as an online retailer?
First of all, I would like to introduce you to a tool called Kalodata. This gives you an overview of the statistics of successful categories and products as well as successful stores. If we take a look at the top 10 store ranking, we can see that in addition to nutritional supplements, conventional products such as sportswear are also among the best-selling products. The top stores have made a turnover of up to 3 million dollars in the last 7 days with TikTok Shopping alone. And not with high-priced products, but with products worth between 16 and 50 dollars. If we take a closer look, we can also see one of the huge advantages of TikTok Shopping. Most of the sales were not generated via the company’s own account, but via Creator.
TikTok offers the option of integrating products from other stores into your own videos via direct links.

Why so many retailers work with Creatorn

This means that when you work with Creators, you save your own advertising costs, time and resources and also benefit from the Creators’ know-how. They usually know best what is popular with their community. Creators can, for example, use participate in product sales via affiliate. Furthermore, it is known from TikTok’s history that new features are always favored most at the beginning in terms of reach. If you are now convinced, I will explain what you can do in advance and, above all, what you should pay attention to.

Sell products on TikTok - What you should do NOW

What you should definitely not do is wait until the feature is available in Germany. Instead, you should try to validate products using the means currently available. In other words, start a search in common TikTok store analysis tools such as Kalodata or PipiAds and see which products are currently arriving in Asia, the USA and the UK. Then try to sell them in your Shopify store, maybe use TikTok Ads for this and see how the product is received. If you need help with this, take a look at our linked video or click on the link in the description to make an appointment with our social media experts.
But what should you bear in mind when it comes to the content of your videos, be it organic content or ad content?

Sell products on TikTok - Tip #1

“Storytelling is Everything” – Classic advertising videos do not work on TikTok. The more authentic, the better. This means that the user should ideally not even know that they are watching an advertisement. The video should use a story to awaken the viewer’s desire to use this product. Accordingly, not every product is suitable for TikTok marketing.

Tip 2 - Build a content creator network

Already trying to build a content creator network. A distinction is made between two types – influencers and creators. In addition to video production, influencers also offer you a certain reach from which you benefit, which is why they are usually more expensive.
But you don’t have to spend 10s of thousands at the beginning. Instead, so-called UGC agencies also offer creators without reach. This means that everything from scripting and providing the creators to shooting the content is taken care of. However, the finished content is then usually uploaded to your own account and marketed. So find out which options fit into your budget and get in touch now.

Selling products on TikTok - What should the content look like?

However, if you still prefer to produce the whole thing in-house – make sure the content is authentic. This means that a high-quality camera or several locations do not necessarily have to be used. Make sure you have a suitable lighting setup and good sound and use the latest smartphones for video production. These offer enormous advantages, especially for beginners, such as camera stabilization, easier vertical filming, low weight and an authentic look.

Tip #4 - Don't reinvent the wheel

Don’t reinvent the wheel. German creators have proven in droves that copying ideas from the USA works on TikTok. Of course, this only works for a certain amount of time. If dozens of other German store operators have already established this video idea, the success will only be moderate. So time is your biggest opponent.

Why organic reach makes sense in advance

Build up an organic reach in advance. We’ll put this tip in brackets here, as organic content is time-consuming and only brings success in the long term. However, it certainly makes sense, as TikTok Shop products can be marketed with both ads and organic content.

Selling products on TikTok - The disadvantages

But are there also disadvantages?
How you take it. In any case, TikTok pays attention to quality in several respects. For example fast delivery times provided. If this is 3 – 4 weeks, you will be banned very quickly. So you either need stock or a fast supplier. Orders via Aliexpress are therefore out of the question. Unless you order in advance and store the products temporarily in Germany. And the quality of the product itself should also be right. TikTok Shop has a so-called feedback score. This is determined by customer surveys. So if they are dissatisfied, that would also be a reason to be banned.

Selling products on TikTok - Summary

Otherwise, of course, TikTok also wants a slice of the cake. However, the sales fee is currently only 2%. However, this will most likely be raised to 6 – 8% in the USA in July. Compared to Amazon, however, this would still be more profitable, as the fee here is between 8 – 15%.
To summarize, TikTok Shop will be the next big thing in eCommerce. TikTok has not yet officially announced when the feature will be rolled out in Germany. But if you decide to include TikTok as a sales channel, then it’s best to start now. If you have any further questions on this topic, please write them in the comments.
Otherwise, we are also happy to advise you directly as a social media agency.

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