Create a website for lawyers

Note these 4 things

How should a website for lawyers look and be designed?
We answer this question in the following video with the help of our 4 core criteria.
Content, findability, trust and finally design are of fundamental importance.

Why does a lawyer need a website?

To do this, you first have to put yourself in the shoes of a potential client.
How would they search for a lawyer?
The first port of call will most likely be the most widely used search engine in the world – Google.
If we simply enter “lawyer Munich” into the search bar, we will see the following.
First we have the sponsored ads posts, then a slider snippet with the best directories such as Gelbe Seiten and Das Örtliche, below that the Google My Business entries and again below that the classic, organic snippets.
In other words, this is what the potential client would see.
However, all search results have one thing in common – they link to the website of the respective law firm.
This means that an entry on “” is of course important, but its content will not be enough to convince.
That’s why a website offers you the opportunity to present yourself, inform the client and create trust.
It is also the basis for all other marketing opportunities, such as Google Ads ads or Video marketing on YouTube.

What are the 4 core criteria?

Now that we have recognized why a website is important, let’s ask ourselves – what function should it fulfil?
This question can be answered quite simply with the 4 core criteria.

1) The website should provide information through content.
What is your area of expertise?
Media law?
Criminal law?
Inheritance law?
How can I become a client?
What will it cost me?
How can I get in touch?
2) The website should increase your findability.
The website texts should therefore not only be of high quality in terms of content from the outset, but also SEO-compliant.
A keyword analysis should be carried out before the website is created.
Which terms do you want to rank for?
How realistic is it to rank on the first page of Google for these search terms?
What marketing measures are necessary for this?
How many images should be used so that the PageSpeed does not become too slow?

Creating a website for lawyers - building trust

3) The website should create trust.
Who is behind this law firm?
What makes you stand out?
What certificates, prizes and awards have you already received? For example, are you known from television formats or similar?
4) The website should be visually appealing.
Several design aspects play a role here.
Adherence to your CI, i.e. using the right colors, maintaining a logical page structure, presenting a modern appearance, etc.

We will now go through in detail how we can do justice to these 4 points. If you would like to delve deeper into the topic of“Web design for lawyers“, please visit the linked page.

Creating a website for lawyers - The content

Number 1: The content.
Let’s take a look at the navigation of a reference page.
First, we have the homepage.
This should contain your name, your area of expertise, your location(s) and information about you.
So how long have you been around, how big is your team, how can you be contacted and when can you be contacted.
As this page will also be the first one that the site visitor sees, your certificates, ratings and awards should also be clearly visible here.

Then we have a second section here for your areas of law.
You should use these pages to find out exactly what you cover.

The pictures are one of the most important things

Thirdly, we have information and visual impressions of your law firm itself.
This point definitely creates trust, but is not absolutely necessary because the focus is more on the people.
These are then included in the fourth navigation point and are among the most important points.
What is often underestimated here is the quality of the images.
Make sure you maintain a consistent design.
In the best case, always use the same background and have professional pictures taken by a photographer.
Our recommendation here would be not to make them look too strict.
Professional yes, but more casual than too formal.
This looks more approachable and, in our experience, is better received and looks more modern.
The next navigation point is again optional and only makes sense if you have several locations.
If you only have one location, it should be highlighted on the homepage and visualized if necessary.

Creating transparency and trust

The contact area is also immensely important.
There should be a contact form where the client can describe their query and get in touch.
Alternatively, your address and an e-mail address and telephone number should also be available here if you want to give them the opportunity to contact you.
We would recommend it.
At another law firm, the first navigation point is “Become a client”, which I personally find very, very useful.
Here you can find all the information about how to become a client, i.e. what the exact process is like, what the pricing is like and also a reference to why this law firm is the most suitable.
Then we come to a point that is a good transition to our next core criterion – findability.
Because it makes perfect sense to set up a news or blog section.
You can use it to address current legal cases and changes to the law.
But why does a blog section make sense?

Creating a website for lawyers - Why do you need a blog?

To improve your organic Google rankings, the motto is – content is king.
This means that if the Google bot notices that your website is constantly being updated, it will crawl the website again and again.
Furthermore, you can increase the findability of your site by having more entries on Google.
I would like to illustrate this with an eBakery blog post.
Here we have a post about the “Best free Shopware 6 plugins“.
If we now enter “The best free Shopware 6 plugins” into Google, we will find both the included video on the first page in the video carousel, as well as the blog post itself, directly on the first page.
As a little tip – you can enter “site:” and your URL behind it on Google.
Then you can see the total number of your indexed pages.
If this is higher than the competition, you have a better chance of ranking higher.
You can also use the blog posts for other purposes.
By posting them on social media channels such as LinkedIn or creating a video and embedding it in the blog post, which will also increase your discoverability on YouTube.

Good SEO = Good rankings = More inquiries

For the website itself, however, this means observing the classic SEO basics in order to increase its findability as much as possible.
So do on-page SEO – i.e. use keywords multiple times, set H1, H2, H3 headings correctly, compress images to reduce the loading time, add an alt tag to images.
Or to focus on off-page SEO, i.e. to adapt your marketing strategy so that external websites link to you. This can be e.g. in such a way that you are available for interviews or technical texts are published on other websites.
You can find more information on this in our linked playlist.
Otherwise, we at eBakery are also happy to advise you as a Google SEO agency to improve your rankings.
The link to our page can be found in the video description.
But how do you gain the trust of your potential clients with the help of your website?

Creating a website for lawyers - how to create trust

We have already touched on a few points here.
Firstly, “people buy from people”.
This means that you should give the law firm a face with the help of the team page – this creates transparency and sympathy.
Secondly, video marketing is now a common means of creating trust – as you can see from the WBS law firm.
A video can convey much more than just text and a photo.
Although this is time-consuming, it can pay off in the long run.
Awards also create trust in the expertise.
Often, for example
A TV appearance, for example, is often not questioned further and is almost regarded as an accolade.
Anyone who appears on TV must be an expert.
So be sure to emphasize such things directly on the homepage.
Since transparency and trust are closely linked, the “Become a client” page mentioned above can also contribute to this.
If you already know what to expect when you visit the page, what costs you will incur, what you will be offered and what the process is like, you will immediately feel more secure and can plan ahead before making contact.

Why design is so important

These 3 core criteria are then given a framework by the fourth point – the design.
Unfortunately, this is often underestimated, but can have an influence on all 3 other points.
If the page does not look clear from the outset, the visitor will not even read through the content.
If the page is too full of images and is poorly coded, this can also have an impact on findability, as Google will penalize this.
If the page already looks unclean, this can also give an indication of the lawyer’s work performance – ergo no trust.
It is therefore essential to choose a suitable partner to create the page.
As already mentioned, this includes things like using the right colors, the right fonts and the right ratio between text and images.
The site should be responsive, i.e. appear flawlessly on both desktop and cell phones.
So there are countless things here that could negate all the other points.

Creating a website for lawyers - Summary

As we deal with this on a daily basis, we also know that design and SEO are always a compromise.
In terms of design, lots of images and videos are great, but in terms of SEO, this makes the website slower.
Little text also reduces your chances of ranking well.
In terms of design, many moving elements are nice to look at, but in terms of SEO, this can lead to penalties, as unclean work does not do justice to the Core Web Vitals.
It is therefore advisable to choose an agency that offers design, development and SEO from a single source right from the start.

Web design agency eBakery

Once you have taken all 4 core criteria into account, you have a great basis on which to initiate further marketing measures.
These could include Google Ads ads.
As a Google Ads agency, we at eBakery are also happy to support you with this.
I hope this video has provided some clarity on what is important when creating a website for lawyers.
If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments or make an appointment directly here.

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