Free AI images tool

Have images created by artificial intelligence

With our free AI image tool you can create images automatically in seconds by entering text. All you have to do is describe how you want your picture to look and the artificial intelligence takes over. How to do this, you will learn in the following tutorial.

Free AI Images Tool - Create Images by Text Input

We introduced you to our brand new free AI tools in the last episode. We will now explain these individually in separate videos. Let’s start with our AI image tool, with which you can generate any image by text input. The link to the tools is here. Once you have clicked on this and logged in, you will find the “AI Images” tool in the left sidebar. Here you will first see your previously created images, could edit, download or delete them. If you have used our image generation tool a little bit more excisively and have lost the overview, there is also a filter mask, with which you can find your desired image by name.

To create a new image

But let’s just create a new one. For this we click here above on the blue button. First we have, as just mentioned the name. This is simply used to find the image file afterwards. We’ll just call our image “test image” and add the date behind it. That’s all you need to do for this field. After that comes the image description. This is the most important thing. This is the so-called prompt. If you haven’t heard the term yet, we’ll link you to our ChatGPT playlist here, where we’ve gone through the basics for you. If you need help with prompting in general, we are happy to provide more in-depth support than ChatGPT Agency. This page is also deposited here. In advance, we also give the hint in this video that after using the image AI tool, it must be checked again independently that no copyright infringement is committed with it. It always depends on the context in which you use this image. Whether private or commercial. We do not give any guarantee for this.

How Prompting Works - The Basic Structure

But how is our example prompt structured?
On the one hand, we have our basic setting here, which is a natural landscape. However, the adjective “wide” is used to describe more precisely how much of the landscape can be seen. So apparently a lot. So this defines the perspective. Now we specify what should be seen in this landscape. To this I must say that “wild life” is very vague. We’ll do that a little better and more accurately in a moment. And we see that a light setting is defined. In other words, the golden hour as the time of recording, which in technical jargon virtually defines the sunset. Let’s see what comes out now by clicking on “create”. Is this how you imagined the picture? Drop us a line in the comments. I for example do not see any wild life here. For would be animals. But this is good for us, because it shows us one thing: The more room for maneuver and interpretation we give the AI, the less our image becomes the way we imagined it. Therefore, we supplement “wild life” for “with a deer and 3 cows in the foreground”. I still don’t like the picture as it is, so now I display several variants. To do this, we fold out the advanced settings and choose 3-Variants instead. I like this picture much better, but the animals are much too far away. So I name the prompt: “A wide natural landscape with a deer and 3 cows in the foreground very close to the camera, at golden hour
Much better already. But still too far away.

Free AI images tool - GeneralPractical example

So we try with another prompt. As you can see, hardly anything has changed. That means we have to reformulate our prompt and take the animals at the beginning of the prompt, so that it says: A deer and 3 cows as a close-up in a wide natural landscape, at the golden hour. And already we see that we have a completely different picture and now the wide landscape is no longer in the foreground, but just the animals. It has to be said that animals and humans can currently be depicted rather semi-well. Sometimes better sometimes worse. But what works much better are products, so let’s relate this to the eCommerce context and create a product photo scenery and explain all the other parameters based on it.

Use free AI images tool for our eCommerce practical example

However, the very first thing we try to do is to stick to the structure of our example port. Our basic setting is a lipstick. This should be red and in a photo studio on a brown table and well lit with studio light. With this we have our basic setting, sidesetting and light setting.
Let’s see what comes out of it. This already looks not bad, just a little bare. So we decorate the scene with rose petals and a black and gold handbag. Much better already. But you see that some things can change even though you did not go into it at all. In the case the color of the shell of the lipstick. So be as accurate as possible to create the most suitable image for you. Sometimes it’s your prompt rather than the AI that doesn’t get the picture you want. But now we want to give it a different look. Like e.g. the Bleach Bypass Look. So we add that and lo and behold, it’s already being implemented by the AI. Or a black and white look that makes less sense in the case of the red lipstick, but shows you that the AI is doing what you say. In this case, the AI has chosen a Sin City look. So everything black and white except for the red of the lipstick. So if your image doesn’t look the way you want it to, try changing the prompt until the desired image is generated. Or contact us and let us help you with prompting.

The 4 style parameters

But what do the other parameters stand for now. These give the AI more specific values on how the image should look. So for example. the art style. Should the whole thing look more abstract, i.e. im- or expressionistic, or very real, i.e. like a 3D rendering model?
This describes the art style. What is probably more playful and can be left out by you is the artist. Should the whole thing be generated in Banksy style? Or yet look like a painting by Van Gogh. You can determine that with this. The lighting just mentioned is also relevant and can either be defined directly in the prompt or specified here to me neon light, studio light, blue or golden hour, and so on. Finally, you can let the mood influence the contrast, coloring, and everything else. If you don’t want to use any of these 4, it’s absolutely no problem. Then leave all parameters set to “None”.
Furthermore, you can still choose between 3 different sizes, depending on what you want to use the image for. A print, your website or YouTube banner. Depending on this, a different size is then required. As you have just seen, you can determine how many different variants should be generated at the same time. Do you want to organize your results separately again, for example, if you have If you have several online stores, you can organize them into projects. You can see how this works in our last episode. This is linked again in the upper right corner.

ChatGPT Agency eBakery

There are no more parameters. So now you see why prompting is so important. To get ideal images out of it, you need to describe your idea in your head as accurately as you can, using appropriate keywords that AI will respond to. These can be words like “pencil drawing” / “ultrarealism” / “hyperrealism” etc. If there are any questions about this, leave them in the comments. We invite you to try our tools and see for yourself. You are welcome to do that right now or try them out piece by piece together with our videos. Otherwise, our AI specialists are ready to help you. You can also find more information on our ChatGPT Agency page. Make an appointment with us there or here under the post.

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