Instagram is this fake

We unpack

Instagram really is that fake.
In this episode, we discuss the two types of Instagram users, how Instagram is mainly used for OF promotion, whether you should buy Instagram followers, what a perfect Insta bio looks like and how strongly represented FaceApp changes are in pictures and videos on Instagram. All this in this video.

Instagram is so fake - two types of creators

These days, Instagram is much more than just a platform for sharing vacation photos. Instead, two main groups of users have emerged who use the network for very different purposes.

  1. The “perfectionists”: These users strive for a flawless-looking profile that conveys an image of success, beauty and a glamorous lifestyle. They invest a lot of time and effort in creating and editing their contributions in order to achieve the best possible presentation.
  2. The “realists”: These users use Instagram to give authentic insights into their lives. They share realistic, and therefore also unpleasant, moments and also show the darker side of everyday life. Your aim is to convey an honest picture of yourself.

While the “perfectionists” strive to present a flawless image of themselves, the “realists” endeavor to depict reality as unadulterated as possible. It is this discrepancy between appearance and reality that makes the social media world such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon.

Who gets a lot of reach on Instagram?

In addition to the two main groups of users, another category of profiles has established itself on Instagram in recent years: Accounts that are used to market adult entertainment. Instagram has become an important platform for OF actors in particular. Many adult entertainment providers use the reach and popularity of Instagram to promote their services and acquire new customers. They often rely on a mixture of seductive images, suggestive texts and targeted interaction with followers to appeal to their target group.
This phenomenon shows how Instagram has grown far beyond the original idea of a photo network and has become a multifunctional tool that is used for a wide variety of purposes – not always in the interests of the platform operators. What is astonishing is that these creators generate an amazing reach, although it is generally true that social media platforms tend to want “family-friendly” content on their platforms.

Instagram is so fake - Why you should NOT buy followers.

Another facet of the dark side of Instagram is the buying of followers and interactions. Many users, especially those who strive for the greatest possible reach, are tempted to increase this by acquiring followers, likes and comments. However, this approach is extremely problematic. Purchased followers are usually bots or fake accounts that offer no real interaction or engagement. In addition, such practices can be recognized and sanctioned by Instagram, which can lead to the loss of the account or a reduction in reach. But this doesn’t just apply to Instagram. If you would like to find out more, take a look at our article on the TikTok Shadowban. Instead, it is advisable to focus on authentic interaction and organic growth. By creating high-quality content that resonates with the target group, you can build a real community that is useful in the long term.

What you should keep in mind for your Instagram bio

Another feature of staging on Instagram is the careful design of the profile description, the so-called “bio”. Here, users present themselves in a few words and emojis and try to make as attractive and memorable an impression as possible. Keywords, hashtags and links are often used in the bio to increase reach and direct interested parties to other channels or offers. We advise against using hashtags in your bio, as this will lure interested profile visitors away from your profile.
At the same time, the bio should also convey the impression of authenticity and personality. This balancing act between staging and authenticity is one of the biggest challenges for Instagram users who want to build a successful profile. Our recommendation for your bio, which is industry-independent, is:

  • Make it clear what you do
  • Describe who you are
  • List who you can help

For online retailers, it is therefore important to clearly show your industry, clearly communicate your philosophy and demonstrate the added value of your products.

Instagram is so fake - Become a different person with FaceApp

In addition to the aspects already mentioned, image editing also plays a decisive role when it comes to perfecting Instagram profiles. More and more users are turning to powerful apps such as FaceApp to edit and “improve” their photos and videos. The options range from smoothing blemishes and removing wrinkles to completely changing facial features. The result is images that are often far removed from reality and convey an unrealistic ideal of beauty. This practice not only has an impact on users’ self-image and body image, but also contributes to the fact that the representation on Instagram is becoming increasingly distanced from reality. So if the picture doesn’t look like you at all in the end, you should refrain from using it. Authenticity pays off in the long run on Instagram.

That's why authenticity pays off

In view of these developments, it is essential to emphasize the importance of authenticity on Instagram. Users who report openly and honestly about their lives without constantly polishing their perfection are increasingly gaining popularity and credibility. Instead of losing themselves in staging, Instagram creators should be brave and show their weaknesses and insecurities openly. This is the only way they can build a real connection with their followers and be successful in the long term. Ultimately, it’s about finding the right balance between aesthetics and authenticity. Because only when Instagram users show their true personality can they use the platform for themselves without falling into the trap of superficiality.

Instagram strategy with eBakery

Instagram is much more than just a platform for sharing vacation photos. Behind the shiny surface are complex dynamics, stagings and dark sides that need to be understood. From “perfectionists” striving for a flawless image to adult entertainment providers, Instagram has evolved into a diverse and sometimes problematic network. Only those who recognize the reality behind the images can use the platform sensibly and responsibly. Ultimately, it’s about finding the courage to show your own authenticity and not getting lost in the staging. This is the only way Instagram can fully exploit its potential as a tool for self-expression and networking without losing its grip. If you need help developing a sensible strategy for your company, we will be happy to help you as a social media agency. Make an appointment with us directly below the article.

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