Prompt Engineer

What does an AI prompt engineer do?

✅ The profession: Prompt Engineer
Today, we’re taking a closer look at the new profession of “prompt engineer.” What are the activities? What are requirements and required skills? How much do you earn? You can get this information in the following Prompt Engineering Screencast.

Prompt Engineer - The profession of the future

We already touched on the fact that prompts might be the currency of the future in one of our previous videos. In case you missed it or don’t even know what a prompt is, our ChatGPT playlist is linked here for you. One fact that could prove this is the numerous job postings for prompt engineers, some of which pay very very well. Therefore, we want to introduce you to this occupational field in this video. What does a prompt engineer do, who is looking for something like that and how much can you earn. All this now.

What is "prompting" anyway?

To better understand what the so-called prompting is in the first place, a small example from everyday life. Maybe you’re already using voice assistant systems like Alexa, Siri, or Google Voice Assistant. You now want to have a specific command executed, like playing a song. Then you have to address Alexa in a certain way to generate the right output as well. So for example. “Alexa, play the song “eBakery” by Corbin Bauer”. In this case we have a very very simple example, but in the end this is prompting. So using a language that the AI understands. And that’s what the Prompt Engineer profession is all about. In a way, he is a digital interpreter. That is, a customer has a specific idea, he communicates it to the prompt engineer, who in turn formulates the prompt so that the output of the AI matches it. That this can be more complex than our music example shows the Midjourney example you can see here.

What do you need a prompt engineer for?

But why does it need a prompt engineer at all, why can’t ChatGPT just implement that like for example. the employee when I give him a task. If you compare the communication between two humans and the communication between a human and an AI, it becomes clear that the AI still lacks the ability to feel or interpret emotions, empathy, facial expressions and gestures, etc. The AI is not yet able to communicate with humans. That’s why a translator is needed who takes exactly these aspects into account in the prompts. Now that is very, very strikingly put. It’s not just a matter of making one entry and the desired result is there. Much more, AIs are trained to give the desired output at the end.
You can already get a small impression of this on the marketplace “PromptBase” presented in the last episode, where prefabricated prompts are offered for purchase.

These are the skills a prompt engineer should possess

But what skills should a prompt engineer have?
To answer this question, let’s take a look at the job advertisement of a Hamburg agency.
The prerequisites are an understanding of LLMs i.e. Large Language Models. These include GPT-4, BERT and T5 from Google, Wu Dao, MT-NTLG from Mircrosoft and several others. That is, an understanding of these systems is a basic skill. On the other hand, you should also have a certain degree of team spirit, because unlike the classic programmer, you will have to work in a team with people from other areas. So copywriters, designers, marketers, etc.
In some cases, however, a degree in linguistics is also specified as a basic requirement. This means there is not this one requirements protocol, but will vary from company to company.

Here's how you can learn these skills

But how can you actually acquire the skills? For this we give you 3 approaches. 
Number 1: Check out the OpenAI help section. Here you will find helpful tips on how to write prompts and how not to write them. 
Number 2: There is a comprehensive learning section for all application options on the site. The good thing here is that the individual chapters are divided into difficulty levels by colors. This way you can start with the green topics and then move on to the yellow ones as your skills progress. 
And number 3: ShareGPT. Prompt ideas are provided here free of charge. By the way, the whole thing is also available as a Chrome Extension. 

Prompt Engineer - Summary

But what is your opinion about it? Could you imagine entering this professional field? If not, why?
Write it to us in the comments, we are very excited.
So, to sum up, the Prompt Engineer profession has many benefits. We will keep you updated here on how the AI topic develops in the coming weeks and months. Our experts will be happy to take care of all other matters. Make an appointment for this here.

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