The 5 most important WooCommerce plugins

Must-Have Plugins for WooCommerce Shop

The 5 Must-Have WooCommerce Plugins are the topic of today’s video / blog article. We’ll show you how to make your WooCommerce store legally compliant, edit variant items with just a few clicks in one process, integrate PayPal, cache the shopping cart and create a connection to Pinterest.

5 Must-Have WooCommerce Plugins

In today’s WooCommerce episode, we want to introduce you to the 5 must-have plugins for your WooCommerce store. To divide the whole thing briefly: The first plugin is largely responsible for legal security, the second for your marketing, the third for increasing conversion through shopping cart caching, the fourth makes your life easier and saves you time through global changes that can be applied to a variety of products and finally a payment provider plugin that can be classified as a service accommodation for your customers. Let’s get right to it then.

WooCommerce Plugin 1 - German Market

The plugin German Market, offer you the possibility to integrate tested legal text patterns into your store, which you then only have to adapt. At the point as before. We are not allowed to give legal advice and do not do so herewith, but only inform. Nevertheless, it would be advisable to have a lawyer look over it again at the end. As the website states, this covers sales in the German-speaking region as well as the EU. However, not only the legal texts themselves are included, but also the invoicing is no problem with German Market and also offers features such as compliance with the small business regulation. Depending on the scope, German Market is available for as little as 75€, but only covers one domain.

The WooCommerce Pinterest Connection

If our store is protected from warning letters, we should push the marketing of our store. Because without site visitors, there are no sales. That’s why you should take a closer look at the Pinterest WooCommerce connection. Especially in the B2B sector, this is an increasingly important platform. Through the direct connection you can also have the traffic tracked. That means you can see which customers come from Pinterest and whether they ultimately buy or not. Otherwise, you can also directly incl. your products. Post description as a pin. That doesn’t convince you yet? Then maybe the integrated planning tool is a feature that will convince you. So you don’t have to be present at your personal PrimeTime to create and post the pins, but can do it in a structured and relaxed way on Sunday afternoon and thus plan ahead for the week. This app is also available for purchase for 75€.

Shopping cart caching with this WooCommerce plugin

If you have guided the potential customer with your pin for Monday, which you created on Sunday, into your legally secure store, he is also convinced, puts something in the shopping cart, but is on the go. It would be annoying if his shopping cart was simply gone by the weekend. Have to get everything together again? “Oh no, I’ll go to Amazon.”
This reaction does not even have to arise if you use the plugin to save the shopping cart. With the help of this app, shopping carts are stored in the database. This means that no personal data is archived, only the session itself. The whole thing can then even be reported to take this into account in your store analysis. Price-wise we are also here at 75€.

One of the 5 Must-Have WooCommerce Plugins - Advances Bulk Edit

Once we have satisfied our customers with this, we can, for example. take care of our slow- or no-turners in the portfolio. In other words, products that sell poorly. Now you can set a discount for all products individually. You can, but you don’t have to. For this we have the Advanced Bulk Edit app. We can save ourselves a lot of time by marking the products we want, editing them, entering a 10% discount and having our plan implemented. This would otherwise have taken several minutes to hours. Therefore, especially for discount promotions or variant items an enormous time saving app.

PayPal for WooCommerce Shop

Last but not least, we also want to offer our customers a way to pay. The more the better .Of course, PayPal must not help us to be competitive. With the app with the long name ws easy to provide customers with a simple and timely ordering process plus payment function. The uncomplicated integration meets well thought-out mechanisms with this tool. PayPal Express Checkout ensures that customers can order using an address stored with PayPal. This eliminates the need to fill out forms. The integration of PayPal is very simple and the plugin is intuitive to use.

You have questions beyond the 5 WooCommerce plugins?

These were our 5 must-have apps for your WooCommerce store. With these you are legally secure on the road, marketing-technically well positioned, customer-oriented in several respects and efficient through mass processing. If you want to have your store optimized or get to the bottom of individual aches and pains, then make an appointment with our WooCommerce experts.

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