Interface from ERP VARIO to xt:Commerce 5 + 6

Today’s video is about the dinosaur of eCommerce when it comes to store systems: xt:Commerce. Is the open source store system still up to date in today’s eCommerce? For whom could xt:Commerce be something? What role does Klarna play in this? And what does the xt:Commerce interface of the eCommerce ERP system VARIO offer? All the answers are in the video.


You are an online merchant and want to build and set up your online store yourself? And remain open and flexible at the same time? xt:Commerce is one of the oldest store systems in Germany and can draw on years of experience. Thanks to its modular structure, you can customize interfaces and templates. With the latest version xt:Commerce 6, you get a responsive design, important features that are already there and thus an optimal solution for your online business. So it’s worth taking a closer look at xt:Commerce.

VARIO interface to xt:Commerce

Once you find the ideal store system, you’ll also need an eCommerce ERP system that can connect and handle it. And VARIO has an interface to xt:Commerce developed in-house. VARIO is a leading ERP system for small and medium-sized enterprises. Here, too, the system has a modular design, which makes its application possibilities diverse. In addition, VARIO allows you to centrally control, manage and optimize all your operational processes. And xt:Commerce is one of the first store systems VARIO came into contact with.

xt:Commerce Version 6

There is also an interface to the latest xt:Commerce. Continuous optimization and adjustments are a matter of course at VARIO. Many innovations have occurred with version 6, for example, xt:Commerce 6 has a completely open source code and a cooperation with Klarna. Klarna is a Swedish payment provider and offers various payment solutions in eCommerce. Klarna’s main tasks primarily include accepting payment claims from merchants and processing the associated customer payments.

Free version with integrated payment provider

The aforementioned cooperation with the payment provider is mainly about the checkout process and payment. Klarna is a firmly integrated component, even in the free version. So if you decide to use xt:Commerce, you will get a 30-day free trial, in which a payment provider is already available, so you will not incur any additional costs. Moreover, the system is classically hosted, which means that you can host it in your own cloud infrastructure and then easily use the interface.

Test the interface at rest

Meanwhile, the market offers a variety of online store systems. But before the selection became so large, xt:Commerce was already extremely in demand. And with the new version 6, new requests are coming in again from merchants who either want to upgrade or get to know xt:Commerce. You too can get to know xt:Commerce at your leisure first. Because VARIO is free of charge for you up to 5000 documents, just like the interface to the store system. No transaction fees and no hidden costs. Get to know the new version of xt:Commerce, it fulfills all the functions and processes you need today for long-term success.

You want to get to know xt:Commerce?

If you are interested in the store system and VARIO, please contact us for further information. As an official service partner of VARIO Software AG, we can answer your questions in detail.

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