Add eBay item features

Gain more visibility through the article features

eBay item features are used to give your potential customers a chance to find your product. This also means not only considering the eBay features as mandatory, but also conscientiously filling in optional fields. Where you can enter these item features, how they affect the filtering search masks on eBay and how the eBay item features can also work beyond eBay, you can learn in our eBay SEO Tutorial Screencast.

What are eBay item features?

To get more visibility for your products on eBay, you first need to understand what eBay item features are and how they differ from each other.
On the one hand, there are required item characteristics, recommended characteristics and others. You should definitely fill them all out. By default, eBay provides the most frequently used features for various categories. Customers use this information to find a suitable article. Therefore, it is well worth maintaining these fields, even if filling them out is only optional.

Why should I fill in all the fields?

The more fields are filled in, the more likely and more frequently your product will be found. In other words , themore relevant article features are entered, the larger the radius of the search terms covered by the offer. Especially when people search for a specific product in the filtering search mask, the additional information comes into play.

If the corresponding characteristics are left blank and the customer selects a filter, then the offer can no longer be found. Item features are therefore important for visibility for two reasons at once.

Be found in price search engines through eBay item features

But also price search engines work with the data you enter in your listing. Therefore, it should be said: proceed conscientiously, especially here, if you want to bring your eBay SEO up to scratch.
It is also essential to store the EAN as an article feature in order to be represented and found in Google Shopping. Furthermore, it is possible to automatically generate item data for a product from the eBay catalog using barcode numbers. The prerequisite for this is, of course, that a product is already listed there.

Item features are only one eBay SEO factor among many

In addition to item features, there are other factors to consider to expand the visibility of your eBay listings. You are welcome to read about them in our eBay SEO post. If you are interested in further optimization possibilities, we as eBay SEO agency are at your disposal. For a free consultation appointment simply contact us by email or phone.

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