The eBay Median Price

The eBay median price is an important part of the eBay patent to understand in order to get behind how the eBay search engine Cassini works. We have already discussed this patent in a previous video, but did not explicitly discuss the median. We’ll make up for it in this eBay screencast on eBay SEO Median Price .

What is the eBay Median?

If we look into an encyclopedia in advance, we realize that the term is the central or mean value and originally represents a term of statistics. What is important to distinguish, however, is the average and the median. Both are not the same.

Average vs. median

The average considers the number of all values and forms the average value from it. The median only considers the values, not how often which value occurs, and forms the mean value from this. This is a significant difference. In plain language, this means that there is an eBay median price, which is composed of the average value of the merchants selling the same product. It is not decisive whether the price X is offered by 100 or 1000 dealers. Only the value of the price is relevant.

Better ranking by increasing the price

From these offered prices for one and the same product, the average value is formed, which is considered as a quasi ideal value. The further you are from the median with your price, the worse you will be ranked. So this means that you may increase the price and get a better ranking because the previous price was too low and now you are closer to the eBay median price.

Increase price to analyze eBay median price

In practical terms, this means for you traders – try, try, analyze. If your offer does not work, try to increase the price and watch the ranking. If you improve, it increases further, if you deteriorate, you may be too expensive.

But be careful, what Cassini absolutely does not like are extreme price changes. Just adjust your price by 5-10% each time, and you should be on the safe side.

eBay SEO with eBakery

If you have reached the median price but are still not too satisfied with your ranking, there are other factors to consider to expand the visibility of your eBay listings. If you are interested in further optimization possibilities, we as eBay SEO agency are at your disposal. For a free consultation appointment, you can simply contact us by email or phone.

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