Free AI chatbot

Artificial intelligence answers your questions

The free AI chatbot for online merchants will answer any questions you have. Whether you want to get general questions answered or, for example. different online shop systems with each other. Our ChatBot will help you.

Free AI chatbot - Here's how it works

And once again, we present for you another one of our AI tools. Before we get to the many, individual text tools, let’s take a look at number 6 in the list – the AI chat bot. What it can do and how to use it you will learn in the following video. However, if there is a need for you to learn how to do prompting properly or if you simply want to have an expert on your side in AI questions, then we will support you as a ChatGPT agency.

The basic functions

If you went to the page: ““, it should look like this for you now. Now click on “AI Chat Bot” in the left sidebar. Again, the very first thing you will see is an overview of your previous chats. In principle, our ChatBot works like ChatGPT itself. Within a chat, the bot remembers the previously said or fragte. If you are new to the field, check out our ChatGPT beginners episode. Otherwise, let’s also go through a practical example right now. To demonstrate this we start a new chat. The name here again simply serves the later findability and the better assignment. Now you can ask the bot anything you want.

Free AI chatbot - practical example

By the way, the fact I just described is described on the ChatGPT website as: “Remembers what user said earlier in the conversation”. Let’s check whether this also applies to us. First of all, our AI bot will tell you when something is not possible. Ex. the independent manipulation. If you tell him that there are turquoise apples, he will not believe the fact and he will not give it back to you. Let’s try a generic example and ask about the most famous band of the 80s. The result is not one, but several bands, because logically it is difficult to settle on one. You can see that the bot selects from different genres here and also points out that our prompt is not well chosen, because it is subjective. By the way, you can also read about what is important when prompting in our ChatGPT beginner episode. We now stay in the same chat and ask for a song from that time. A correct answer also follows. Thus, we have proven that the bot does indeed act on the previous. We do not need to explicitly mention the 80s again

This is what you should pay attention to

However, if we look at the rest of the chat, we see that we need to at least give the bot a hint that it should be based on what came before. Because if we just ask for a TV series, that’s too vague and he gives us X arbitrary reference that isn’t referenced to the 80s. That means, if you don’t get the desired result, check first of all how your prompt is formulated.
See where to find guides on how to improve your prompts in our “Prompt Engineer” video. If you want to open a new chat, just click on the blue button above.

The ChatBot remembers what you have written before

We will now try again to use the prompt from just now, in which we asked for a song from that time. So, as we can see, the conversation with the ChatBot actually starts completely at 0. Since it gives us a reference from a completely different time. If we now relate this to eCommerce, one question could be: Compare Shopify with Magento and tell me 3 pros and cons of each.

Use free AI chatbot to answer eCommerce questions

And lo and behold we get 3 pros and cons each. But now we would rather have this summarized as continuous text. At the prompt you can see again that the result is clearly related to what was described before. You can also compare different ERP systems with each other. But here again the legal notice. We do not guarantee that these texts may be used in a commercial context. Since these could possibly infringe copyrights. Therefore, check it again very carefully beforehand.

ChatGPT Agency eBakery

I hope it is now clearer how to use our ChatBot AI tool, what possibilities it creates and how you could use it yourself in the future. If there are any questions about this, leave them in the comments. If there are any suggestions for improvement, these are also welcome. Otherwise, our AI specialists are ready to help you. You can also find more information on our ChatGPT Agency page. You can also make an appointment with us directly here.

Where can you ask an AI questions?

There are numerous ways to ask an AI questions, including using our AI tools free of charge. Here you have the opportunity to ask any questions and receive detailed answers directly from our AI. You can use these answers, for example, to generate texts or to obtain targeted information.

Do you have questions or need an individual offer? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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    Haben Sie Fragen oder brauchen ein individuelles Angebot? Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren.

      eBakery requires the contact information you provide to contact you regarding our products and services. You can unsubscribe from these notifications at any time. For information on unsubscribing, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.*.

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      Kostenloses KI-Tool zur Textzusammenfassung

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