Instagram age information becomes mandatory?

Instagram app soon no longer usable without age statement

Is the Instagram age statement becoming mandatory? Instagram wants to protect young users and therefore will soon require an age statement in the app. If this is not deposited, you may no longer be able to use the app. You can learn more about this in our Instagram tutorial.

Instagram age statement - Why this will soon become mandatory

Instagram wants to become a safe place for young people. To that end, they introduced a new feature back in March. This prevents adult users from sending messages to minors if they have not subscribed to them. In addition, since July, accounts of persons under 16 are private by default.
In addition to these security measures, they now want to introduce another one. For this purpose, users are asked for their date of birth. This information is intended to help Instagram provide age-appropriate content for young users. This change is also interesting for advertisers, because they can now address a target group under the age of 18 only with limited targeting options.

Have you already specified this anyway?

By the way, Instagram started asking users for their date of birth a few years ago. Many users have therefore already stored their data in the app. But Instagram has continued to grow in recent years, and many new users have yet to take that step. Two changes will now take place for these users. Users who have not yet entered their date of birth will be asked to do so by Instagram when they open the app. If they do not provide their age after repeated questions, they will not be able to continue using the app. Only after depositing the date of birth they get access to the app again. Instagram wants to use this information to develop brand new features to protect young users.

Instagram age information - These are checked by A.I.

Additionally, alerts will be introduced on Instagram for posts that require you to enter your date of birth before you can see the post. A warning message for sensitive content has been active for some time, but so far it has not asked for the date of birth. Since Instagram assumes that many young users will provide a false date of birth, they are in the process of developing new systems. Artificial intelligence, for example, is to be used to verify age information. For example, if a post with birthday wishes, the technology assumes that someone is younger, then the age must be verified. There are several options for this, but they are still under development. Instagram itself says on the subject: “This project is literally still in its infancy”.

What is your opinion?

What do you think of these new security measures? In your opinion, is Instagram simply collecting data or do you find the measures justified? Drop us a line in the comments. If you are using Instagram for your business, we are happy to help you with a holistic social media strategy. You can find all information on our social media agency page.

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