METRO Marketplace commission for sellers

How much the METRO marketplace costs, how the cost categorization looks like and how you can connect to the METRO marketplace, Mohamed Ali Oukassi from the eCommerce agency eBakery explains in this video.

What does the METRO Marketplace offer?

Many have known METRO as a stationary store for some time. But METRO also represents a strong marketplace online. The focus here, just like in the local Metro stores, is on the hotel, restaurant and catering sectors. So if you have a suitable range of articles, the marketplace offers you good opportunities to generate sales. This is where sellers are supposed to connect with professional customers, because the marketplace wants to carry out B2B transactions in particular. But B2C customers can also use it. In addition to the main areas, METRO also offers articles in areas such as household, health and care.

METRO checks the article assortment during registration

Nowadays you are offered quite different marketplaces. Each with its own individual advantages and disadvantages. If you pursue a multichannel strategy, you can, for example, use your merchandise management system to operate several sales platforms at the same time. Nevertheless, it is important to think about the respective cost structure in advance. If you want to register on METRO, METRO will check if your article assortment is really suitable during the registration process. Here it can even happen that the marketplace decides against you. This is mainly due to the fact that METRO pays attention to high quality and wants to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. If your article assortment fits to the marketplace, you will get your own account upon registration and also a Seller Business Partner, who will answer your questions and help you with possible initial difficulties.

Various sales commissions

For sales on METRO, you also pay a basic fee of 49.99 euros. That’s a regular price that will come your way in pretty much all marketplaces. In addition, there are sales commissions, which are graduated to 3 different levels. So depending on the item category, you pay a different sales commission. Category A includes 7% commission. It includes the following categories: Catering equipment, cleaning equipment, utensils, kitchen equipment and multimedia. Category B has a slightly more expensive commission, which is 10%. These include the categories: Barbecue, Office, Indoor Climate, DIY (Do-it-yourself), Tools, Safety and Garden.

METRO is a worthwhile marketplace

Category C is the most expensive, the commission is 13%. And for the following categories, among others, you have to pay the commission: Disposables, Commercial Kitchen Equipment, Outdoor Furniture, Seasonal, Care and Health, Home Furnishings and Workwear. METRO combines innovative technology with decades of B2B experience. Should you offer a suitable assortment of items, it is definitely worth getting to know the marketplace a little better. In addition, the further procedure such as the listing of your products or the METRO Marketplace purchase processing is not complicated. All you need is a suitable eCommerce ERP system and a suitable interface to the marketplace.

Become a successful trader on METRO

You are interested in METRO Marketplace, but need more information about costs or technical procedures? Come for this with pleasure on us. Our experts have years of experience and can provide you with detailed advice and support.

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