Webflow vs. WordPress

Which CMS is better for my project?

This CMS comparison is about Webflow vs WordPress. We will show you the advantages and disadvantages, explain when which system is more suitable for you and give you a brief insight into both content management systems.

Comparison of the two CMS systems

In today’s episode, we want to compare two of the most popular content management systems and work out the advantages and disadvantages for you. We’re talking about the traditional and most widely used CMS “WordPress” and the innovative newcomer “Webflow”, so be curious and use the video to form your own opinion as to which system would be the most suitable for your website.

Webflow vs WordPress - What is WordPress?

But let’s start right away with the classification. WordPress is probably the most traditional content management system that has been around since 2003. Webflow, on the other hand, was not made available to the public until 10 years later.
WordPress was initially mainly used to create web blogs, i.e. diary-like websites that can be permanently updated with comments and notes. The open source architecture was and is characteristic. This gives plug-in developers the opportunity to easily create individual solutions to put together their perfect system. Here you will find clever solutions to increase page speed, improve your SEO, simplify the design of your site and much more.
WordPress is completely free per se. You can see how to install and set up the CMS in the linked video.
There we explain that you only need a server and a domain to install and publish WordPress. However, the software itself costs nothing. Additional costs may then be incurred for the plugins.

How expensive is Webflow?

But what about Webflow?
The price of the website builder and CMS system Webflow is slightly different. You can create, design and manage your website completely free of charge. If you want to publish them with your own domain, you will pay 18$ per month or more depending on how many CMS items you want to use, how much bandwidth you need, how many visitors you have, etc. It’s best to take another look at this price list. But if you consider the external domain and server costs for WordPress, you’ll end up with roughly the same amount. A SaaS system like Webflow also saves you time because you don’t have to install it. So in my opinion, no one has the edge here.

Webflow vs. WordPress - The advantages of Webflow

But why do you need Webflow when WordPress already exists?
There are now many CMS alternatives, all of which you can take a look at in our linked playlist. Webflow, on the other hand, lies exactly between the simple construction kit systems such as Wix.com, Jimdo or Squarespace and, on the other hand, WordPress. Webflow therefore offers web designers the opportunity to design websites quickly and easily without having to program. The HTML, CSS and JavaScript code is automatically created during the design process and can then be adapted by a programmer if necessary. However, programming skills are not required. In comparison, this means that with Webflow you can reach your goal faster with less knowledge, whereas with WordPress you have many more options for customizing your website, but it will take longer and, above all, you will need more know-how for these individual adjustments in the code.

Native templates and visual editor

This is characterized, among other things, by the natively integrated website templates from Webflow. This means you get pre-designed website templates that you only have to customize with your texts, images, etc. The editor in Webflow also has a much more visual structure and is therefore easier to use for beginners. There are also website templates for WordPress on sites such as Envato Elements. However, these must first be integrated. And there is also a PageBuilder solution for the editor to be able to do without the block editor, but this then costs additional money.

Webflow vs. WordPress - WordPress has the edge here

However, WordPress has another USP – its huge community. With 63% market share in the CMS market and 20 years of existence, a huge community has formed here, which exchanges information on problems and solutions in forums. Webflow, on the other hand, has a market share of just 0.6%. There is also an official Webflow forum here, but with a smaller community. This may or may not be decisive. This always depends on the individual case.
But now let’s take a look at a few more points in direct comparison.

Webflow vs. WordPress - Direct comparison

Webflow is ahead in terms of code quality. The open source approach of WordPress gives developers a lot of freedom, but can ensure that the code is always written differently, which means that the website code often ends up appearing “bloated”, which can also lead to performance losses. With Webflow, on the other hand, we have a clean, uniform, semantic code because it does not come from umpteen different third-party providers. Speaking of performance – unfortunately, it is not possible to make a general statement here, as WordPress performance depends heavily on the server, the plugins used, the size of the website and other factors. However, it can be said that Webflow is consistently good. When it comes to security, an SSL certificate is always included with every Webflow CMS. With WordPress, this depends on your hosting provider. Be sure to check this when booking, as a missing certificate has many disadvantages.

Conclusion - Which CMS is right for you?

Now that we have compared the points of cost, performance, security, user-friendliness, flexibility and community, here is our conclusion. Which system is suitable for whom?

  • You have no programming skills and want to do without expensive developers? -> Then Webflow is the right choice.
  • Is it very important to you to store your website with a specific hosting provider? -> Then there is no way around WordPress.
  • Are you an online retailer and want to make small changes to your blog yourself, quickly and easily? -> You’re better off with Webflow.
  • Have you found a specific template on Envato that you only want to deviate from minimally and that you like 100% in terms of design? -> In this case, you will get along very well with WordPress.

Webflow vs. WordPress - Summary

So you see, it depends on whether one system has exactly the perfect design template or whether you don’t want to install monthly updates that could possibly cause problems with plugins or whether, on the other hand, it is important to you to always find a solution to every problem directly from the community. We can only make two recommendations at the end of this article. Firstly, both systems are free to test as a staging environment. So familiarize yourself with both and see which one appeals to you more in terms of infrastructure.
Secondly, it is best to seek advice again based on your experience to rule out all eventualities. At eBakery, we are happy to advise you as a WordPress agency and WooCommerce agency, but also to help you with implementation. Make an appointment directly here.

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