Content Management System

What is a CMS and why do you need it as an online retailer?

In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at content management systems, or CMS for short. What is a CMS, what are the added values and why do you need a content management system as an online retailer? All this in this CMS tutorial.

Content Management Systems

A topic that has already found its way into our 700 videos on the channel is the content management system. Whether as an experience world in Shopware or as WordPress CMS to write landing pages or blogs. But what exactly is a CMS? Let’s now get to the bottom of this in a rudimentary way.

Content Management System - A Definition

To get an initial assessment, let’s take a look at what Wikipedia has to say about it.

A content management system (CMS) is software for the collaborative creation, editing, organization and presentation of digital content, mostly for use in websites, but also in other forms of media. This content can consist of text and multimedia documents. An author with appropriate access rights can operate such a system in many cases with little or no knowledge of programming or HTML, since the majority of systems have a graphical user interface.

Which CMS is available?

I can definitely confirm that for WordPress and Shopware 6. Of course, it always depends on the wishes and requirements you have for the content, but some things can be implemented without CSS. Therefore, a good option for online merchants who are just starting out, don’t have too many design or programming skills and don’t have the budget for a WordPress agency yet. But what other CMS systems are there?
Classic systems are
TYPO3, Drupal, and Shopify.
But what is such a CMS good for and why do you need something like that as an online retailer?

For this you need a content management system

Partly, the CMS is the complete foundation of your website and is divided into front-end and back-end. The frontend is what the site visitor sees. The backend is the control level, i.e. the setting system for the colors, fonts, texts etc. used. You need a CMS to control and manage the appearance and content.
However, some merchants only use the blog function. Any of the content management systems just listed offer the function of creating blogs. These blogs then offer potential to rank on Google with the respective keywords. That is, if you are smart about it and your CMS meets the necessary basics – which includes storing the sitemap in Google Search Console, you could write blogs that feature your products, which will then get a good Google ranking and bring you sales. Furthermore, most CMS can be extended by so-called extensions (plugins, modules, components, etc.). This makes it possible, for example, to easily integrate individual functions such as comments or ratings as well as larger extensions, such as a forum or an online store, into the website at a later date. To stay with the example of WordPress. There you can add the store system WooCommerce via extension.

You don't know which CMS suits you? Get in touch with eBakery

I hope you now know a little bit more about what a CMS is and why you as an online merchant should make use of it, if you don’t already do it anyway. If you don’t know yet which CMS would suit your project best, please contact the CMS experts at eBakery and make an appointment directly.

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