To encrypt information on Internet pages in the best possible way, an SSL certificate is used. Simply put, an SSL certificate is an encryption protocol for secure data transmission. The abbreviation SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. You may have noticed that HTTPS is used when you visit a website. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is responsible for loading requested web pages from the respective server into the web browser. HTTPS performs the same task, but here the additional S stands for Secure. This means that web pages are loaded into the browser in encrypted form here, so that a secure connection is created. In addition to HTTPS, a lock icon is displayed in the browser when an SSL certificate is used.

In this video we will show you what an SSL certificate is and what it is used for:

An encryption certificate is used to prevent third parties from intercepting the data traffic. If sensitive data is exchanged, such as credit card information, personal data and passwords, this data is protected from third parties. Operators of websites that request personal data must even use an SSL certificate since 25.05.2018.

How exactly does an SSL certificate work?

An SSL certificate secures the identity of a website and encrypts data traffic with a cryptographic key. Since the data is encrypted, a key is again used to decrypt it. These two keys are:

  • the public key
  • and the Private Key

So a public and a private key. When a message is sent, it is encrypted by the public key and can only be decrypted again with the private key. You can think of a key as a randomly chosen combination of numbers.

SSL actually obsolete

Strictly speaking, SSL is an obsolete protocol, by the way. It has since replaced the newer and more secure TLS certificate. TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. In practice, however, SSL certificates are still referred to colloquially, even if TLS is meant.

eBakery helps you with the right hosting

If you have questions and wishes about hosting – e.g . JTL hosting – eBakery is the right address for you. Of course, we also take care of topics such as encryption. Feel free to contact us via the contact form.

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