YouTube Super Chat

How to earn more money with livestreams

In this YouTube SEO tutorial, we will explain how YouTube Super Chat works, what requirements you need to meet to use it, what you earn with it and how it works.

How the YouTube livestream works

During a YouTube livestream, it is possible for viewers to comment on it. But the more viewers comment on it, the shorter the comments of different users are visible. Super Chat is essentially a commentary that is pinned and thus highlighted during the stream. The duration and color of this comment depends on the amount of money paid for it. So a comment can be highlighted longer or shorter. YouTube Super Chat makes it more likely that the streamer will see the user’s comment during the livestream, as it is now visible to the streamer for longer.

What is YouTube Super Chat?

So YouTube Super Chat is a new interaction opportunity between YouTuber and viewer as well as an additional new source of revenue for YouTuber. This is because 70 percent of the revenue from Super Chat goes to the streamer and 30 percent is received by YouTube. Any user can send money through this function and make his comment visible longer. As a YouTuber, however, you have to have at least 1000 subscribers to use Super Chat and be a member of the YouTube Partner Program. If you want to highlight your commentary during a stream, there’s quite a wide price range for that. This ranges from one dollar to 500 dollars. Here, the higher the amount, the longer the comment will remain highlighted. 500 dollars highlights a comment for 5 hours.

How YouTube Super Chat works

How the whole thing works, we explain to you now.
When a YouTuber goes live, a money icon appears in the chat window. If you click on this icon, a window “Send Super Chat” will open. Now you can choose an amount. After you have chosen your amount, you can now enter your comment. Then select Buy and Send and follow the instructions to complete the purchase. Through YouTube Super Chat, users get a kind of guarantee to be seen and YouTubers get another opportunity to earn something on the platform.

YouTube channel support through eBakery

If you are still having problems growing your YouTube channel, we will be happy to help you and optimize your channel. Make an appointment for this.

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