10 strategies to increase online store sales

How to earn more with your store

How can you increase your online store sales?
We’ll give you 10 tips for more sales.
Firstly, you should pay attention to the basics, but also apply current marketing strategies, pay attention to the right product range and, above all, follow our most important tip number 10.
So it’s best to look through to the end and apply our top 10 tips for more online store sales in 2024.

Error #1

Let’s not waste any time and start with one of the most common mistakes, especially at the beginning – running ads on your own.
Of course, you can’t say across the board that it’s bad for every retailer, but especially at the beginning, your store is not yet optimized, your target group is not yet defined and your competition is not yet analyzed.
As a rule, this is money wasted.
Because even if you generate traffic with a good ad, no one will buy from a non-UX-optimized store.
That’s why we come to our tip – SEO before SEA.
But please don’t get this wrong.
Paid advertising can provide an immense boost to sales, but it shouldn’t be the first thing on your list if you’re an eCommerce starter.

10 strategies to increase online store sales - SEO

You can teach yourself how to optimize your online store SEO-compliant with the help of our SEO playlist or you can benefit from our knowledge and make an appointment with our experts.
They have already brought our agency site to number 1 for all relevant keywords, as you can see here.
You may now be thinking – What am I supposed to do technically with SEO if I’m just starting out in 2024?
That’s why, as we said in our “Opening an online store” video, you should be smart about it.

Why you should use TikTok

The selection of your product range is also closely linked to your chances of ranking on Google.
If you focus on trend products at the beginning, you have several advantages.
Among other things, there is a high probability that there is not yet too much competition on Google.
This is because most retailers of trend products rely on TikTok as their main marketing channel.
Which brings us to our tip #2 – use TikTok.
This marketing channel doesn’t work for all products, but it definitely works for trend and lifestyle products.
And the advantage here is – unlike other social media platforms, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to generate reach.
Theoretically, you could adapt an American TikTok format into German and go viral with your first video.
This is currently not possible on any other platform.
And the TikTok Shop will also be coming to Germany soon.
Another chance for you to be a first mover.

10 strategies to increase online store sales - target group analysis

But whether, for example.
However, you will only know whether your products are suitable for TikTok if you have carried out a target group analysis in advance.
Your target group can be made up, for example, of age, gender, place of residence and language.
Your target group can be made up of age, gender, place of residence and language, as well as interests.
This means that you can only place lucrative advertising and plan marketing campaigns if you know who would buy your product and is interested in it.
However, a target group analysis is also essential for completely different things, e.g.
the approach and presentation of your store.
Let’s take a look at two practical examples.
The first store is an online perfume store.
Therefore rather high-priced.
We started with high-quality product image designs.
The first is of the product itself, then symbolizing who the perfume is suitable for in the form of a male model, below that we have further professional outdoor product images of the new Xerjoff cap, below that a product presentation in the form of a slider.
The product detail page has an integrated feminine-masculine meter, and the ingredients are then visually displayed again for each product.
You can see the attention to detail here, which is also expected for high-priced products.

Practical example - store comparison

If we compare this store with that of a low-priced product, it becomes clear that the wording here is more personal instead of more formal in the form of “you”, we do not have a high-quality designer representation of the product or the brand, but instead come directly to the product overview.
The product presentation here is also not uniform, sometimes with a white background, sometimes in a scene.
The product detail page also has a simple structure.
Ultimately, there is also no navigation in the store, which only consists of the Home tab and a link to the TikTok channel.
To summarize, you can’t say that one is worse than the other.
It is simply clear that there are two completely different target groups behind these stores.
That’s why it is extremely important for you as an eCommerce starter to know your target group in order to make the right decisions about how to address them, the structure of the store, the use of media, etc..
Only then can you increase your sales.

10 strategies to increase online store sales - Technical SEO

However, your store should not only pick up your target group in terms of content, but also technically and here there is one point where there are no two opinions – the page speed.
Nothing is worse than a store that takes 3 seconds to load.
The easiest way to find out how good yours is is to use the PageSpeed Insights tool.
Among other things, it shows you the Core Web Vitals, as well as your SEO performance, accessibility and more, from which you can conclude how good your overall performance is for desktop and mobile.
If this is too low, you can compress your images, you can use a caching plugin, you could also only load your images when they become visible or, if none of this helps and you are still at the beginning, you could change hosting provider or increase the server.
It is therefore best to think about this BEFORE you open your store.

Keeping the price low without price dumping

In addition to the content and technical aspects, the price should also appear attractive at the beginning when nobody knows you yet.
You may not be able to do too much about the product price itself, but you can make sure that the shipping costs are as low as possible.
Your goal at the beginning should be to generate as many orders as possible.
You could, for example
For example, you could offer free shipping from a certain shopping cart value.
In addition to excessively high shipping costs, a lack of payment methods is also a sales killer.
If you don’t offer PayPal in your store in 2024, you will be virtually uncompetitive.
Exceptions here are vape stores, CBD retailers and the like. Here, PayPal is often not a payment option.
You should also consider in advance whether your products belong to the critical product range.
This can also make it more difficult to place Google ads such as Google Shopping ads.

Keep an eye on your competition

Our tip #8 is to never lose sight of your competition.
In order to keep an eye on them, you should not only look at who your potential customers are, which we have already done with the target group analysis, but also carry out a competitor analysis.
What do other stores look like?
What do other stores do better?
For example, does your competition use Shopify?
Shopify as a store system, for example, there are spy tools such as PPSPY that you can use to analyze how many sales the retailer generates.
Place a test order and see how the goods are received and how they are presented.
You can also check the price to see whether you are too cheap or too expensive.
Because our tip #9 is – avoid price dumping.
This may even deter customers from buying from you as they will become skeptical.
Be guided by what customers expect for a price and don’t undercut it.
This applies in particular to the food, cosmetics and delicatessen sectors.

10 strategies to increase online store sales - Trust

But none of these 9 tips will do you any good if our point 10 is not fulfilled, namely trust.
Without trust, no one will buy from you.
But how do you achieve this?
Offer clearly visible contact options in your store.
This can be by phone or email.
Communicate your quality promise in your website texts.
Either in terms of the products or the service.
What about returning products if you don’t like them?
Who pays for the return?
How long can returns be made for?
Where were your products manufactured?
Do you give a guarantee for your products?

10 strategies to increase online store sales - Summary

If all of these 10 points have been met, your site is target group and SEO optimized, you don’t charge horrendous shipping costs, you offer common payment methods and your customers trust you, then it makes sense to place ads.
As already mentioned, these can even be the #1 sales booster, but only if the basics are right and you have SEA knowledge.
If this is not the case, it is not a problem at all.
We at eBakery are happy to help you as a Google Ads agency and online store agency.

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